Shadow banning / censorship is the most pernicious thing. Kary Mullis PhD warned of potential and pre-existing misuse of the PCR technique that he had developed. But his name is unknown to the sheeple. Sayer Ji, and I believe you also, wrote two years ago about how PCR was being misused to label deaths from the usual miscellaneous causes as COVID. Others and I wrote about how this deception was being used to create the illusion of a pandemic that was not supported as such by CDC data.
In a free and fair marketplace of ideas projected with equal reach and volume, the public could have assessed the evidence and decided fairly whether to devastate themselves with the self-destructive weapons offered to them: masks, ventilators, remdesivir, toxic vaccines, or to choose a better, healthier path.
Those of us who endured Fauci and Gallo's HIV scam using the PCR test were also aware decades ago but we had no voices, no one would listen to the "AIDS deniers"...
No deception or ruse is off the table when the end game is depopulation of the planet. There are enough psychotic billionaires to keep this game going for decades. Besides, they need something to keep them busy since they have run out of things to buy and do.
I regard the whole deception of the pandemic as an assault by Satan, or, as some refer to him, Lucifer. His human servants are pretty easily identifiable once they become known. IMO, most politicians and many government bureaucrats are willing servants, and probably many more serve without realizing that they are serving.
That tees it up. You can discuss it on this stack freely if you like. Celia has never shut anyone down as far as I've seen since I started participating here a short while ago.
I hear what you are saying…but how many people would even consider the idea of the ‘Reptilian’ aspect of the ‘forces’ behind the scenes? You can’t even convince many of the Scam of Covid and the overall Big Picture of what the ‘operation’ was all about!
I am beyond caring who believes what... and it serves no purpose to attempt convincing those with little comprehension of the real issues concerned here as they will contribute nothing of value.
On the basis of your statement I would like to add something else in to the mix which you may or may not be familiar with. It is a report from 2018, well before the onset of the scamdemic. Since we are here only to share and not to convince you must make of it whatever you wish.
Though I very much do recommend you watch the video, here is the story in a nutshell:
The ancient gods of our myths and legends were extra-terrestrials. Some of these ETs were good and benevolent. Some were quite evil.
When it came time for the ETs to depart the earth, the evil ones taught certain chosen humans a variety of dark magicks and secrets so that their human minions would, in their absence, gain control of the whole world so that they could own the world when the quarantine was declared over.
One of these magicks was a path to avoid death via vampirism. One such vampire, thousands of years old and very powerful, became the hidden master of much of the world. In collaboration with certain demonic entities, called “Marsons”, he planned to launch world war 3 to gain control of the rest of the planet.
Watch the video and find out how the vampire's plans were upended, how he played his hand too early, how he was actually (and very surprisingly) killed!
Find out why there is, despite his death, a huge uptick in anger, extremism and rage in the world. Find out what you can do about this. Find out how to be a part of the solution, how to be a part of returning this world to its path of Highest Good.
In his Woo series, Clif keeps referring to "The Bug" (and minions). His science-fiction world concepts rhyme fairly well with Christian theology; The Bug could easily stand for Satan the Scientist, and the minions for satanists.
I also have a strange story to tell about Aids. About 15 years ago, it must have been 2007 I lived in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. By then I was well aware that Aids - or what they call Aids - concerned mostly Homosexuals and intravenous drug users. Now the Aids foundation in Mongolia had money galore. So much money in fact that I was tested every time I renewed my visa (several times a year) and was showered with condoms each time I did a test. There were so many condoms distributed that Mongolians sold them surreptiuosly to China. Also the Aids foundation had one choice property in Ulan Bator. The best real estate and every Aids remembrance day they decked out the city with some sort of symbol that looked like a tied shoe lace. The kicker is that Mongolia had some serious health problems - the most serious being untreatable tuberculosis - but practically no Aids. Probably because there were neither intravenous drug users nor dark rooms for male homosexuals. (By now I have read the Kennedy book about Fauci and realize that things are more complicated)
Whatever. One day I met the head of the Aids program in Mongolia and asked him flat out whether what they did wasn´t a serious and egregious waste of money. He became quite angry and claimed that Mongolia didn´t have good statistics and that the prevalence was much higher.
I happened to know quite a few doctors in Mongolia and had even done some research concerning the SARS outbreak in 2004. That is why I knew that Mongolia might be poor and was thoroughly lacking in high tech medicine but had an effective and meticulous quarantine system. In fact the plague is endemic in Mongolia and they react very quickly and rigorously to any outbreak. It was no use arguing with him. It was not the first but one of the most memorable encounters with one of those do gooders NGO who mostly exist to enrich themselves. By now I wince when I read about NGO´s in the third world and the supposed beneficial role they play. My special scorn though is reserved for the Aids foundation.
At one time after the Aids scamdemic there were 84,000 groups in the US collecting money for people with AIDS... there weren't even that many people with AIDS...
The head of the AIDS Foundation which was supposed to distribute food to AIDS "victims" in San Diego made $100,000 per year but the food bank was EMPTY!
The moment I heard that pea brain Birx yammering about counting those who diedc”with” covid along with those who died “from” covid I knew the scam was in and that Trump was in on it. I believe his “attacks” on Fauci were pure theater and that they'd lured the World’s Greatest Businessman into the upcoming vaccine windfall already and hundreds of millions of Trump Organization money was secretly moved into Moderna and Pfizer, et al! I Wonder how we could check, Celia?
There is magic in words "Spelling". Maritime law is full of legal terms and punctuation designed to deceive and confuse with common law. Apparently as individuals,we need to correct our status in order to avoid crooked jurisdiction.
The fact that hospitals were ever rewarded for covid deaths is a crime beyond explanation but of course it appealed to one of the two reasons that motivate all human behaviour...plain old greed.
The other reason was also used extensively as leverage on those who could not be bought but had something to lose.
Whoever has financed the campaign to rule the World is most likely those who have (or will) benefit the most. It is too easy to say just follow the money but money is only a tool. This takeover bid has far more sinister intent that merely gaining wealth.
Covid tests are known to be inaccurate and generate multiple false positives. The tests may not even reveal any useful information. People are acting on the results of these tests and are not treated for their true illness, if they really have an illness.
The American health care system is deliberately being sabotaged by misinformation and fear directed at the public.
Healthy workers forced to get the jab or be fired, leave hospitals understaffed, unable to function.
Vaccinated workers harmed by the vaccines are left unable to do their jobs.
Treatments that work are denied, while treatments that kill are protocol.
Life insurance companies announced troubling increases in deaths. We are experiencing a true "plandemic".
It should be called out for what it is, orchestrated genocide powered by government subsidies.
I agree, more poetry might be critical but only if more people begin to read poetry. Wide range of people used to read poetry; now it is just another "expert" discipline. I might add humor as another natural antagonist.
You are filling in the deep history of the deceit, as if giving us an addendum to RFK Jr.'s book. As the truth becomes clearer and clearer, your piece of the jigsaw puzzle is as lucid as it gets.
Remember that FEMA pays for burial costs for anyone claimed to be a Covid death. It's something like up to $9000. So there's an incentive not to contest Covid on a death certificate.
Just a snippet from one of Jon Rappoport’s newsletter last year:
For example, in my 1988 book, AIDS INC., I showed how the cover story about HIV was used in Africa.
For a very long time, the true causes of illness and death in areas of Africa have been: hunger; protein-calorie malnutrition; starvation; contaminated water supplies; poverty; war; farm land stolen from the people; corporate pollution; toxic medicines and vaccines; toxic pesticides; overcrowding in cities; lack of basic sanitation.
Most if not all of these causes could have been eliminated. But local governments did not want healthy people. Sick and dying people were easier to control, and taking away their land was an easier proposition.
Colluding with and paying off local government leaders, transnational corporations and foreign governments set up shop in these African countries and used the healthier people to work on their giant commercial farms and in their factories.
But in 1984, suddenly, there was a new (cover) story broadcast and sold to the world: what was really decimating Africa was HIV. THIS explained all the illness and dying.
The true causes, listed above, were shoved into the background.
Those true crimes were hidden, were permitted to continue unabated.
Not only that, the HIV cover story paved the way for pharmaceutical companies to rack up profits by selling extremely toxic AIDS drugs (e.g., AZT) to Africa.
The HIV test, which turned out false positives like Niagara Falls, made these drugs seem necessary—as fake case numbers soared.
People dying from the toxic medical treatments were, of course, listed as AIDS deaths.
And, as it turned out, HIV had never been isolated. Therefore, there was no proof it existed, no reason to suppose it existed.
Like AIDS, COVID-19 is also an intelligence-agency type covert op.
The short-term goal is wrecking economies. The long-term goal is taking the population into a new world of technocratic control.
Selling this as necessary all comes back to THE VIRUS COVER STORY.
“We’re not forcing technocracy down the throats of the people. Certainly not. We’re simply doing what we must, because of the danger of the virus…because everyone is a virus-spreader…(because too many people want their freedom)…”
Always identify and return to the cover story. Walk around it. Look at it from all sides. Walk into it from one side and exit from the other. Test it. The vital clues are there.
Another classic example: 2009, La Gloria, Mexico. Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world, operates a giant pig farm. 950,000 pigs.
The poisonous urine and feces from these 950,000 pigs run out into the open air and form what are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space.
Workers spray the toxic lagoons with a toxic foam. It’s routine.
Workers, and people in the surrounding neighborhood, are getting sick and dying. So new contractors are brought in to spray the lagoons with yet another toxic chemical.
Out of nowhere, guess who shows up? The CDC.
Guess what they conclude? It’s not the urine and feces lagoons or the toxic chemicals causing illness and death. No. Of course not.
It’s a new mysterious “virus.” H1N1.
And voila, we have a new cover story and a new epidemic, called Swine Flu.
The cover story serves a number of purposes, as time passes. But the most obvious one is: Smithfield Foods is protected. They get away with murder.
And to cap it all off, four years later, in 2013, Smithfield, still protected, sells itself to a Chinese company, Shuanghui International Holdings, for $4.72 billion.
Here’s what I wrote about Zika (another phantom virus) in 2015:
“Medical CIA” provides the cover story.
In Brazil, the so-called center of the “Zika epidemic,” there are many problems in poverty-stricken areas that involve more than babies being born with small heads and brain impairment.
The grinding poverty itself, of course. Stolen farm land. Widespread corporate use of poisonous pesticides, some of which are banned in 22 other countries. Contaminated water supplies. Lack of basic sanitation. Overcrowding. Prior vaccine campaigns, in which toxic substances were injected directly into the bodies of people whose immune systems were already on the verge of collapsing. Toxic medical drugs.
In 2014, the Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough) was recommended for pregnant women. Among other toxic substances, this vaccine contains aluminum compounds. Aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage.
Workers are now fumigating areas with toxic sprays to kill mosquitoes. Soldiers are going door to door, handing out more toxic mosquito sprays for indoor use.
Combine all these factors, and you have an ongoing catastrophe.
It makes a great deal of sense to highlight, promote, and blame the “Zika virus” for what is actually going on in Brazil, if you want to distract and divert and obscure.
If you stopped the vaccine campaigns, stopped the spraying, and remedied the conditions I listed above, the health of the population would return and revive, without medical intervention.
Of course, the governments and their allied corporations have no intention of returning stolen land to the people. They have no intention of stopping the use of poisonous pesticides. Medical authorities have no intention of admitting they are concocting a story about a “virus,” Zika, as a cover for their corporate and government allies, and as a pretext to have “a new disease” to treat and work on and solve. They have no intention of stopping toxic vaccine campaigns.
To cap it all off, the conditions the “virus” is supposed to be causing—babies born with small heads and brain damage—can result from ANY injury or insult to a pregnant woman or her infant. No virus required.
After having followed you for a while, I’d certainly agree that you were “a prepared mind for the evil drive to label all things ‘Covid,’ both in life and in death.” You and thankfully more than a few seasoned others could see more clearly the reality, through the propaganda, and help demystify the lies for the rest of us. So hopefully, many more of us are listening and catching up to reality SOONER than later.
Shadow banning / censorship is the most pernicious thing. Kary Mullis PhD warned of potential and pre-existing misuse of the PCR technique that he had developed. But his name is unknown to the sheeple. Sayer Ji, and I believe you also, wrote two years ago about how PCR was being misused to label deaths from the usual miscellaneous causes as COVID. Others and I wrote about how this deception was being used to create the illusion of a pandemic that was not supported as such by CDC data.
In a free and fair marketplace of ideas projected with equal reach and volume, the public could have assessed the evidence and decided fairly whether to devastate themselves with the self-destructive weapons offered to them: masks, ventilators, remdesivir, toxic vaccines, or to choose a better, healthier path.
Those of us who endured Fauci and Gallo's HIV scam using the PCR test were also aware decades ago but we had no voices, no one would listen to the "AIDS deniers"...
Hospitals are the new death camps for Covid.
Hospitals have ALWAYS been one of the most dangerous places to go with an illness!
No deception or ruse is off the table when the end game is depopulation of the planet. There are enough psychotic billionaires to keep this game going for decades. Besides, they need something to keep them busy since they have run out of things to buy and do.
I believe there is another element in play here that is not profit driven at it's core.
I see very little open discussion concerning extra dimensional entities and spiritual forces.
I regard the whole deception of the pandemic as an assault by Satan, or, as some refer to him, Lucifer. His human servants are pretty easily identifiable once they become known. IMO, most politicians and many government bureaucrats are willing servants, and probably many more serve without realizing that they are serving.
That tees it up. You can discuss it on this stack freely if you like. Celia has never shut anyone down as far as I've seen since I started participating here a short while ago.
I hear what you are saying…but how many people would even consider the idea of the ‘Reptilian’ aspect of the ‘forces’ behind the scenes? You can’t even convince many of the Scam of Covid and the overall Big Picture of what the ‘operation’ was all about!
I am beyond caring who believes what... and it serves no purpose to attempt convincing those with little comprehension of the real issues concerned here as they will contribute nothing of value.
Agreed. Convincing anyone isn't a valid goal. Getting a discussion going is.
On the basis of your statement I would like to add something else in to the mix which you may or may not be familiar with. It is a report from 2018, well before the onset of the scamdemic. Since we are here only to share and not to convince you must make of it whatever you wish.
Though I very much do recommend you watch the video, here is the story in a nutshell:
The ancient gods of our myths and legends were extra-terrestrials. Some of these ETs were good and benevolent. Some were quite evil.
When it came time for the ETs to depart the earth, the evil ones taught certain chosen humans a variety of dark magicks and secrets so that their human minions would, in their absence, gain control of the whole world so that they could own the world when the quarantine was declared over.
One of these magicks was a path to avoid death via vampirism. One such vampire, thousands of years old and very powerful, became the hidden master of much of the world. In collaboration with certain demonic entities, called “Marsons”, he planned to launch world war 3 to gain control of the rest of the planet.
Watch the video and find out how the vampire's plans were upended, how he played his hand too early, how he was actually (and very surprisingly) killed!
Find out why there is, despite his death, a huge uptick in anger, extremism and rage in the world. Find out what you can do about this. Find out how to be a part of the solution, how to be a part of returning this world to its path of Highest Good.
Interesting video..
If you look at the viewership of Clif High on Bitchute you will see how many. It is not a low figure.
Thank you...indeed I will.
In his Woo series, Clif keeps referring to "The Bug" (and minions). His science-fiction world concepts rhyme fairly well with Christian theology; The Bug could easily stand for Satan the Scientist, and the minions for satanists.
Doesn't he specify?
If we worry less about convincing anyone, then those with ears to hear will hear. That's about the best anyone can hope for.
I also have a strange story to tell about Aids. About 15 years ago, it must have been 2007 I lived in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. By then I was well aware that Aids - or what they call Aids - concerned mostly Homosexuals and intravenous drug users. Now the Aids foundation in Mongolia had money galore. So much money in fact that I was tested every time I renewed my visa (several times a year) and was showered with condoms each time I did a test. There were so many condoms distributed that Mongolians sold them surreptiuosly to China. Also the Aids foundation had one choice property in Ulan Bator. The best real estate and every Aids remembrance day they decked out the city with some sort of symbol that looked like a tied shoe lace. The kicker is that Mongolia had some serious health problems - the most serious being untreatable tuberculosis - but practically no Aids. Probably because there were neither intravenous drug users nor dark rooms for male homosexuals. (By now I have read the Kennedy book about Fauci and realize that things are more complicated)
Whatever. One day I met the head of the Aids program in Mongolia and asked him flat out whether what they did wasn´t a serious and egregious waste of money. He became quite angry and claimed that Mongolia didn´t have good statistics and that the prevalence was much higher.
I happened to know quite a few doctors in Mongolia and had even done some research concerning the SARS outbreak in 2004. That is why I knew that Mongolia might be poor and was thoroughly lacking in high tech medicine but had an effective and meticulous quarantine system. In fact the plague is endemic in Mongolia and they react very quickly and rigorously to any outbreak. It was no use arguing with him. It was not the first but one of the most memorable encounters with one of those do gooders NGO who mostly exist to enrich themselves. By now I wince when I read about NGO´s in the third world and the supposed beneficial role they play. My special scorn though is reserved for the Aids foundation.
How often these organizations that claim to help are merely infiltrators taking advantage of those that are the most vulnerable?
At one time after the Aids scamdemic there were 84,000 groups in the US collecting money for people with AIDS... there weren't even that many people with AIDS...
The head of the AIDS Foundation which was supposed to distribute food to AIDS "victims" in San Diego made $100,000 per year but the food bank was EMPTY!
The moment I heard that pea brain Birx yammering about counting those who diedc”with” covid along with those who died “from” covid I knew the scam was in and that Trump was in on it. I believe his “attacks” on Fauci were pure theater and that they'd lured the World’s Greatest Businessman into the upcoming vaccine windfall already and hundreds of millions of Trump Organization money was secretly moved into Moderna and Pfizer, et al! I Wonder how we could check, Celia?
There is magic in words "Spelling". Maritime law is full of legal terms and punctuation designed to deceive and confuse with common law. Apparently as individuals,we need to correct our status in order to avoid crooked jurisdiction.
The fact that hospitals were ever rewarded for covid deaths is a crime beyond explanation but of course it appealed to one of the two reasons that motivate all human behaviour...plain old greed.
The other reason was also used extensively as leverage on those who could not be bought but had something to lose.
Whoever has financed the campaign to rule the World is most likely those who have (or will) benefit the most. It is too easy to say just follow the money but money is only a tool. This takeover bid has far more sinister intent that merely gaining wealth.
Covid tests are known to be inaccurate and generate multiple false positives. The tests may not even reveal any useful information. People are acting on the results of these tests and are not treated for their true illness, if they really have an illness.
The American health care system is deliberately being sabotaged by misinformation and fear directed at the public.
Healthy workers forced to get the jab or be fired, leave hospitals understaffed, unable to function.
Vaccinated workers harmed by the vaccines are left unable to do their jobs.
Treatments that work are denied, while treatments that kill are protocol.
Life insurance companies announced troubling increases in deaths. We are experiencing a true "plandemic".
It should be called out for what it is, orchestrated genocide powered by government subsidies.
I agree, more poetry might be critical but only if more people begin to read poetry. Wide range of people used to read poetry; now it is just another "expert" discipline. I might add humor as another natural antagonist.
I've lost my friends
Who weren't
I all alone with my telephoney
Reminds me of John Mayer´s
I'm the boy in your other phone
Lighting up inside your drawer at home all alone
Ain't fascism grand
Ain't fascism grand
Well that's not the first time a motorcycle crash victim died of Covid, remember?
You are filling in the deep history of the deceit, as if giving us an addendum to RFK Jr.'s book. As the truth becomes clearer and clearer, your piece of the jigsaw puzzle is as lucid as it gets.
Remember that FEMA pays for burial costs for anyone claimed to be a Covid death. It's something like up to $9000. So there's an incentive not to contest Covid on a death certificate.
And now vaccine victims.
Just a snippet from one of Jon Rappoport’s newsletter last year:
For example, in my 1988 book, AIDS INC., I showed how the cover story about HIV was used in Africa.
For a very long time, the true causes of illness and death in areas of Africa have been: hunger; protein-calorie malnutrition; starvation; contaminated water supplies; poverty; war; farm land stolen from the people; corporate pollution; toxic medicines and vaccines; toxic pesticides; overcrowding in cities; lack of basic sanitation.
Most if not all of these causes could have been eliminated. But local governments did not want healthy people. Sick and dying people were easier to control, and taking away their land was an easier proposition.
Colluding with and paying off local government leaders, transnational corporations and foreign governments set up shop in these African countries and used the healthier people to work on their giant commercial farms and in their factories.
But in 1984, suddenly, there was a new (cover) story broadcast and sold to the world: what was really decimating Africa was HIV. THIS explained all the illness and dying.
The true causes, listed above, were shoved into the background.
Those true crimes were hidden, were permitted to continue unabated.
Not only that, the HIV cover story paved the way for pharmaceutical companies to rack up profits by selling extremely toxic AIDS drugs (e.g., AZT) to Africa.
The HIV test, which turned out false positives like Niagara Falls, made these drugs seem necessary—as fake case numbers soared.
People dying from the toxic medical treatments were, of course, listed as AIDS deaths.
And, as it turned out, HIV had never been isolated. Therefore, there was no proof it existed, no reason to suppose it existed.
Like AIDS, COVID-19 is also an intelligence-agency type covert op.
The short-term goal is wrecking economies. The long-term goal is taking the population into a new world of technocratic control.
Selling this as necessary all comes back to THE VIRUS COVER STORY.
“We’re not forcing technocracy down the throats of the people. Certainly not. We’re simply doing what we must, because of the danger of the virus…because everyone is a virus-spreader…(because too many people want their freedom)…”
Always identify and return to the cover story. Walk around it. Look at it from all sides. Walk into it from one side and exit from the other. Test it. The vital clues are there.
Another classic example: 2009, La Gloria, Mexico. Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world, operates a giant pig farm. 950,000 pigs.
The poisonous urine and feces from these 950,000 pigs run out into the open air and form what are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space.
Workers spray the toxic lagoons with a toxic foam. It’s routine.
Workers, and people in the surrounding neighborhood, are getting sick and dying. So new contractors are brought in to spray the lagoons with yet another toxic chemical.
Out of nowhere, guess who shows up? The CDC.
Guess what they conclude? It’s not the urine and feces lagoons or the toxic chemicals causing illness and death. No. Of course not.
It’s a new mysterious “virus.” H1N1.
And voila, we have a new cover story and a new epidemic, called Swine Flu.
The cover story serves a number of purposes, as time passes. But the most obvious one is: Smithfield Foods is protected. They get away with murder.
And to cap it all off, four years later, in 2013, Smithfield, still protected, sells itself to a Chinese company, Shuanghui International Holdings, for $4.72 billion.
Here’s what I wrote about Zika (another phantom virus) in 2015:
“Medical CIA” provides the cover story.
In Brazil, the so-called center of the “Zika epidemic,” there are many problems in poverty-stricken areas that involve more than babies being born with small heads and brain impairment.
The grinding poverty itself, of course. Stolen farm land. Widespread corporate use of poisonous pesticides, some of which are banned in 22 other countries. Contaminated water supplies. Lack of basic sanitation. Overcrowding. Prior vaccine campaigns, in which toxic substances were injected directly into the bodies of people whose immune systems were already on the verge of collapsing. Toxic medical drugs.
In 2014, the Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough) was recommended for pregnant women. Among other toxic substances, this vaccine contains aluminum compounds. Aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage.
Workers are now fumigating areas with toxic sprays to kill mosquitoes. Soldiers are going door to door, handing out more toxic mosquito sprays for indoor use.
Combine all these factors, and you have an ongoing catastrophe.
It makes a great deal of sense to highlight, promote, and blame the “Zika virus” for what is actually going on in Brazil, if you want to distract and divert and obscure.
If you stopped the vaccine campaigns, stopped the spraying, and remedied the conditions I listed above, the health of the population would return and revive, without medical intervention.
Of course, the governments and their allied corporations have no intention of returning stolen land to the people. They have no intention of stopping the use of poisonous pesticides. Medical authorities have no intention of admitting they are concocting a story about a “virus,” Zika, as a cover for their corporate and government allies, and as a pretext to have “a new disease” to treat and work on and solve. They have no intention of stopping toxic vaccine campaigns.
To cap it all off, the conditions the “virus” is supposed to be causing—babies born with small heads and brain damage—can result from ANY injury or insult to a pregnant woman or her infant. No virus required.
But…“Look here, at the virus. Don’t look there.”
After having followed you for a while, I’d certainly agree that you were “a prepared mind for the evil drive to label all things ‘Covid,’ both in life and in death.” You and thankfully more than a few seasoned others could see more clearly the reality, through the propaganda, and help demystify the lies for the rest of us. So hopefully, many more of us are listening and catching up to reality SOONER than later.
Celia, Just a quick note to mention how much I admire your work. Best, Greg Maybury.