Jul 28, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

I would imagine the lifetime of stress you have been under to be a speaker of truth has affected your physical body's ability to stay well. Every body has weaknesses that the stressors of the world tip into becoming actualized; the acute stress of this moment in our world, and being someone who sees and speaks truth, as much as you can try to keep yourself well, I think the subconscious body copes with more than we realize. Wim Hof, I appreciate what he is doing and also I wonder if it is one size fits in the way he seems to believe. I don't think anything is. I wonder if the cold helps a person who spends a lot of their life in the colder realities of the world. What if warmth (warm emotions, warm bathing) is what your body needs? Definitely breath work, but maybe with warmth, instead of cold? Just a thought. My body tips into asthma from emotional stress, and deep sadness and grief and fear about the world, for me Wim Hof fast breathing and cold are not helpful; slower, calmer breathing, and warmth, are. I think if a person ate a junk food diet but they were a pretty happy go lucky person who did not hold on to stress/worry/sadness/fear or focus much on those worldly realties, their health would probably be much better than someone who ate all organic food but carried a lot of stress and sadness. A body might do better with a mind that didn't focus on the horrors of the world; I don't think deeply caring minds were really made for this world, it's too much to cope with if you see it. It might be that your work in the world -- work that people like me appreciate more than I can ever say -- is harming you, because it's just so much to hold in the body all the time. I am just saying this from my experience, of a lifetime of focusing on all the awful things, because they are real, but feeling how my physical body over time shows me the stress it causes. I think the physical body really needs a good amount of pleasure to stay well, and to recover. This would be Reichian, I think. At least in, the importance of the release in orgasm, or however one achieves pleasure and sensory release in a world which currently wants to cast eros so far away we don't any longer remember what it means to feel pleasure. It's interesting you mention Reich, because he gave us a lot of reasoning as to why we are here, in this eros-free scientific world of sterility and injections and covering of senses. But then, in our own lives, if our own bodies and lives mirror that repression and denial of pleasure, it's important that we reassess, otherwise the power structures have infiltrated our lives even while we rally against them. I appreciate your voice so much, but if it is at the expense of your bodily well being, something has to change for you.

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Jul 28, 2021Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you for describing so honestly the loss of oneself. It happens with illness but also with age. Again you manage to put in words what noone dares to. Being within a skin and flesh one doesn't identify with anymore. I lost my body to a neurological issue in 2014. My perceptions were wrecked, giving me false information about everything. I lost sphincter control. I couldn't walk anymore. I lost 16kg because I couldn't swallow. And it got worse with menopause. I use to say "with age one looses first one's skin, then one's bones and finally one's mind". Understanding the weirdness of being trapped in a body which is impossible to recognize and use for both one's benefit and others (and feel proud of) helps me today feel infinite compassion for aging and handicapped people. When I look at my 98 year old, silent, heavily cataracted eyes'mother, I now just try to connect with the soul trapped in there... and she smiles...

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Was there something that happened to you that started all this?

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Thanks for writing this. I have chronic Lyme disease. I've been through the same situation with my body going totally weird. Some of the symptoms have been so bizarre I didn't want to tell other people. I thought they would simply not believe me when I accurately described how I felt.

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I'm sorry to hear of your struggle. You could try trigger point therapy. It helped me with severe upper arm and shoulder pain. You have to stick with it for a while, but for me, it did eventually help a lot! Good luck!

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This could be very farfetched, I don't know, but from what you describe I could not help thinking of something Catherine Austin Fitts mentioned happened to her: Low-grade biowarfare.

For example in this interview:


It is also mentioned in this and other articles about her


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You serve a God who is a Healer (Psalm 103:3). Put all your hope and faith in His promises and He WILL NOT fail you.

(1) Christ the Healer - https://archive.org/details/christhealer00bosw_0

(2) His Healing Power - https://ia600608.us.archive.org/17/items/DivineHealingGeneral34DivineHealingBooksInEpubFormat/DivHEAL%20His%20Healing%20Power%20-%20Lilian%20Yeomans.pdf

(3) The Lord for the Body - https://ia800608.us.archive.org/17/items/DivineHealingGeneral34DivineHealingBooksInEpubFormat/DivHEAL%20The%20Lord%20for%20the%20Body_%20Discovering%20God%20for%20Divine%20Health%20and%20Healing%20-%20A.%20B.%20Simpson.pdf

I know the return of the symptoms is troubling and that you've been through great difficulty. Know that God understand the depths of your suffering and empathizes with you because Christ Himself became human and went through all the difficulties which confront us (Heb 2:10, 14-16).

Never forget God said He would never leave you nor forsake you (Heb 13:5) and to come to Him in time of great trial and temptation (Heb 4:16). Christ is your healer (1 Pet 2:24, Matt 8:17, Heb 13:8), put your ultimate trust in His healing power. His word never fails (Is 55:11). What remains is for us to put our trust in it. Never let go of His promises and He will never fail you.

God bless you and establish healing in you which is yours in Christ.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

His power and grace will bring you through. Rest in Him. Trust in Him.

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The number I know who are experiencing disturbing symptoms of one kind or another right now is higher than ever before in my experience. My son and I, both unvakSINated, are experiencing very peculiar symptoms like rice paper dry eyes, fragmented, shallow sleep, odd dreams, chronic headaches and bouts of impulsive coughing that are very brief and then don't repeat for days. No fevers or traditional signs of "infection".

I realized I hadn't conducted a survey of nearby sources of wireless radiation for several months. What I found was startling. Suddenly, Five JEE was everywhere. It was on our public buildings, it lined the streets of my academic dystopian and it was all over those horrendous masts that puncture the spirit along highways.

I was within strong signal distance of no fewer than three of the new installations. None are registered on Ookla. None went up after the slightest of public notices. I have a difficult time believing they aren't being tested at the very least and I find it plausible that our symptoms are being triggered by these tests. VakSINated neighbors claim not to be experiencing these symptoms which raises the disturbing question: Toxic as these vakseens may be, are they in some way protective against the scourge of Five JEE? Given that all students of elitist private schools in the US are required to have their "COVID vakseen" prior to matriculation, I feel motivated to explore the possibility they intend to harm those of us who have declined these toxic injections.

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I would try a mean only diet for a while with perhaps some honey... plants are chemical powerhouses that have evolve to NOT be eaten by humans.. fruits , some ok.... Out biochemistry evolved to eat animals...It is astounding how many people cure certain immune things , skin issues, by just removing plants, seeds,etc... Id recommend trying that for at least a week.

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