This info about Tedros has been out there, via altmedia, for the last over six years. This means our politicians in DC KNOW exactly who Tedros is...that's why our US politicians exempted themselves from the COVID DeathJAB but sent us personal emails that we should get them to keep ourselves safe and those around us...saying they're safe and effective. I got one of those emails from my Criminal US Senator, Cory Booker, who by the way, is a TRAITOR to my country.

Let the US Constitution penalty for Treason begin!

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Booker is a horrible person and traitor. Isn't he the one who conspired with Kamala Harris to stage the Smollet lynching hoax?

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He sure was! Most of our politicians are Treasonous scumbags...

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I would bet heavily that all in the Senate and probably most in the House were supplied information about Tedros. So if there is any backtracking on US full exit from WHO I beg my fellow citizens to let your Congressmen know their job is on the line. We will not comply. Do not get the digiid!

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Trump will not backtrack on defunding the WHO this time.. no no.. Dr. Fauci doesn't have his ear anymore...

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Yes our Commifornia Senator Alex Padilla sent out a similar email extolling that we get the EUA mRNA Jabs!

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You can wager a huge amount of money that your Senator didn't get the JAB that he was pushing on his constituents... They're all evil scum.

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Padilla like Newsom deserve prison time.. both criminal sellouts... big Pharma lackeys..

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The entire world is a facade. Turn over any healthy looking rock in this forrest of total corruption and you will find the squirming, wriggling, maggot infested truth blearing its alien eyes, shrieking & recoiling from the light pouring in from then sun.

The only way out of this is to dismantle and rebuild the system from scratch because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else - it can only be destroyed, its members injected in prison, and then rebuilt with the hard-earned wisdom from lessons learned.

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Make sure you do not support amending the Constitution via a convention. They would not be limited to a single presented amendment , but could add others as desired

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It's corrupted by joos and the USA allegiance to i$rahell.

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Thank you Celia for this additional info about Tedros, much of which I did not know. I had remembered seeing a video of him at some party somewhere prancing around in short shorts like a girl. How the governments of the world ever took him seriously is mindboggling.

Gates did NOT receive a "pardon". We can only hope there is the will now to see him brought to justice, and his assets confiscated. Make him a pauper. But then there is so much money to be made protecting him, most of which is stolen from the US taxpayers to prop up "vaccine" mandates.

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Your last sentence is the hardest part to deal with.

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Unlikely that Gates will be “brought up on charges”…just sayin…

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Bill Gates was the one who found Tedros. This article explains that and how he bought control over the WHO:


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How could we never have known about this? How horrible. Thank God Trump pulled our funding from WHO. Biden was paying $500 million and never blinked an eye! Wasteful for American tax payers.

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Not waste, THEFT. They are all thieves, liars and murderers.

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Oh we could know about a lot of all this stuff that’s coming out now, but the majority of the people had no desire to know anything…then the Plandemic came along, and that “woke some of the people up” regarding the propaganda narrative ‘they’ have been pushing for the last 100 years or so, but many remain asleep and clueless, especially the ones who got the EUA mRNA Jabs!

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Dear god. I thought he was an incompetent puppet (who appointed Robert Mugabe a WHO goodwill ambassador about 3 months after he became chief at WHO in 2017) but this shows him up as definitely a criminal thug. I can only hope his crash will be public and humiliating and that he’ll take the whole stinking ship down with him.

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Hmmmm. Gates wasn't at the inauguration? That's a GOOD sign. Gates isn't good for Donald Trump's business plans.

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Hopefully teddypox meets gates and fauci at the gallows.

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Biden pardoned Fauci

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That's only for federal in the US. There are other options: state, civil, international.

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As time goes on, I am increasingly persuaded that the WEF and related bodies like the WHO are in fact under the control of what Frances Leader calls the Black Nobility.

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We got this in 2020 Celia, the WHO is as corrupt as hell.

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The court "journalists" who have spent five years throwing flower petals before and after Tedros should spend the remainder of their lives being laughed at for supporting such a criminal.

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Didn't Gates and Trump meet recently? Greg Reese thought so too. https://gregreese.substack.com/p/year-of-the-snake

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They did and I prefer to believe the Don laid down the law to the snivelling little snake and warned him to get a lawyer because Trump is coming after him!!! With no pardon from sicko Biden he is up for capture!!!

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Ain't nuthin' wrong with being a realist with preferences.

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Beware of all these fear mongers who are supposedly freedom fighters. It's utter nonsense to read much into who is meeting with trump. Trump could have any number of reasons for a meeting... like finding out where they are weakest.

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Healthy skepticism here. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Thank you for this post Celia. Such good info for the world to know!

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Facebook said no to this ss post too, but I could post the video. Thank you Celia!

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You mean "farcebook" and WHO stands for WICKED HORRIFIC ORGRES and TEDROS stands for TERRIBLY EVIL DEMONIC RIBALD OVERLY SADISTIC. Is WHO a criminal organization? It acts like one so it must be.

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That describes my government! I have this meme, boy says to Dad "I'm going to work in organised crime" and Dad replies "government or private sector". LOL

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Ways and means, Shona. If you print the headline and source like this: 'WHO Rape Scandal: At Least 83 Staff Sexually Assaulted, Raped, Victims As Young As 13—NONE FIRED; Tedros, Before His Ascent, Was Genocidal Killer And The People Of Ethiopia Tried To Warn Us':

(celiafarber substack), then it goes OK on F/B. I believe their algorithms work on the link, not the headline. Worth bearing in mind!

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It still wouldn't let me! Oh well. Cheers, s

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Shona gal, I confess to being a "terrible" man whose only redemption is that I adore Celia with the pretty name and all the real women here. And there are another two in addition to the one who called me "terrible" that told me "you are sooooooooooooooooo bad."

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When I am good I am very, very good and when I am bad I am better.

I adore Celia's writing too.

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I know you and you are one of those sassy ass women. Some of those around here too but they are fine. There are degrees of women and I just met another in town who was a sassy ass. She had no reluctance in telling me her perspectives were akin to mine. And she did not hold anything back.

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it is from a lifetime of being told I can't do anything right. I isolate myself now and plot to save humanity from the clutches of the evildoers who are so good at disguising themselves. It is my little bit of resistance. I'm putting it all out there on Substack. I was even ordered to delete my Substack by a writer who said it was shit. That is like a red rag to a bull. I deleted him instead.

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Listen gal, there is not a thing wrong with what you say, how you say it and in my opinion your perspectives and thoughts on typeset are great so I am a fan and in your corner even if we would ever disagree, I would have to take a longer look at my take on things. Those who said you cannot do anything right need to look at that sentence...it is not that you cannot do anything right, it is just that you cannot do anything wrong...so they had the wrong word there but I have fixed it. You are another of His most beautiful and precious creations.

Shona, there might be an error in your name, Shona. Take the a off and add an "E " in its place and you get "Shone" as in the sun, warmth and light. Shine little gal...that is your destiny.

If there is any sh*t it is on the boots and in the eyes of whoever said your writing was sh*t. Trust me Sunshine, I have written in mags and papers and have a huge dresser drawer filled with those articles. I have been on the editorial board of a newspaper and am well known as a sh*t disturber.

And I expect your writing is as good or better than mine. The most important thing Sunshine is that there is a man or woman behind the writing .

Always Edward

Always Edward

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I got my name from a book my mother was reading when pregnant with me. I have a bee in my bonnet at the moment about being constantly criticised to an absurd extreme. I even went to university to spite my sisters who laughed in my face when I said I was going to enroll. There is a saying that resonates with me: "The devil wouldn't be attacking you so hard if there wasn’t something valuable inside of you. Thieves don't break into empty houses."

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"I deleted him instead."

SO Sunshine, I was right, and that is the attitude. Do NOT take any "sh*t" from anyone and you are one of them thar sassy ass gals I do adore.

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I read this a while back in an online blur — like being at a film festival, seeing too many films, being unable to remember any of the plots. nice to see it vomited up again. have you ever noticed cats sometimes eat what they've vomited? yeah, it's like that. nice to do it in good company.

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Yes my cat captured a bird awhile ago, then vomited it back up an hour later!

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Senator Malcolm Roberts has been very brave on COVID and WHO issues; one of a relative handful who I've identified from Down Under. A couple of years ago, I stumbled onto the one who spits the most fire, and became an instant fan of Senator Gerard Rennick. These have fought lonely battles.


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