I reached out to Human Life International and they confirmed that this gruesome 2007 report on human/child/organ trafficking is legit (doesn’t display on my phone, needs a computer): https://web.archive.org/web/20070706134035/http://www.hli.org/sr_june_07.pdf

This has been a known evil for decades. We must expunge this evil from the face of the Earth.

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I’m beginning to realize there are way more evils we need to expunge than I ever thought possible. Is humanity really this evil? That it will do anything for money?

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While far worse that most can imagine, do not let this cause you to despair. It makes the goodness of genuinely decent people all the more beautiful.

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and therein is grace

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Sadly so true Joan‼️God help us 🙏🎚️

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The more rabbit holes I traverse, the more lies I discover.

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OMG and there’s little green t-shirt arguing with Trump and JD Vance…he wants it to all carry on. Even our NZ govt is sending money to the evil man! 😵‍💫

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Well IMO for the first time in a long time, the President and the Vice President didn’t hold back on their displeasure and dislike of the lizard Zelensky…and it went out all over MSM here in the US!

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That’s so good to hear! Gotta get all this horror gone from the world! So glad it’s gone over msm- it sure won’t here in NZ!! Still have bought and paid for media here and useless PM etc!!

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Well it was covered by MSM/the press because it was a ‘press conference’ at the White House with Trump & Zelensky. I’m sure they had no idea what was going to come down, but they were there!

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Huh- I see …,I can see why it was out there now….funny that!!

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It was Marco Rubio who threw him out. 😳

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sure sure... he's a terrifying spectre

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I am just reporting on comments made by people who were there, not commenting on Rubio. But apparently, if you watch the video, you can see him getting VERY angry. Have you ever picked a fight with a Cuban?.....😵‍💫

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Civil rights attorney Robert Amsterdam, in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, lays bare what a monster Zelensky is. BTW, Amsterdam hates Putin. Zelensky should have been thrown out of the White House imho.

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what most people don't understand is that you can't harvest organs from a dead body. It has to be alive...so they invented the term 'Brain Dead' so people would feel better about it.

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The more I've learned about organ transplant, the more I've come to believe that it's an abomination and should be stopped. I don't want to judge anyone for getting one, but I want nothing to do with it. If an organ fails, then I accept my fate and try to face it bravely.

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The same is true about aborted phoetuses and what happens to them.

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Yes. And most people do not understand this. I tell everyone I know, especially if they are an organ donor on their license. Unfortunately, this organ harvesting story illustrates a whole other level of why 'they' want wars. Wars and poverty. I've read these statistics before, several years ago now. It is very hard to grapple with this level of evil.

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So much evil but people don't want to acknowledge it. 😔

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People choose willful ignorance over knowledge of truth. The term is alethophobia, or fear of truth.

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The keyword is "costume."

Satanists will wear costumes of doctors, nurses, judges, police officers, firemen. Anything, really.

They will impersonate any normal person, and will mock victims and arrogantly blame them, like CNN did all day with those covid counters.

And then normal people will turn on each other, and behave like demons. Because people imitate what they see.

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Yes, why don’t we talk about it? I am constantly looking for the level of truth that can be absorbed, that is not to emotionally provocative that communication breaks down. Not that I have much luck, but I would think that the lie about climate change, ought to be possible to talk about. The vaccines I can understand. People have them in their bodies, and they don’t want to hear that they are poison. I can also emphasize with people being unable to comprehend the level of evil involved in organ trafficking, Adrenocrome, satanic ritual abuse. But at least in Denmark normies will not listen to anything, that forces them to accept that sometimes both the media and the authorities are lying to them. They want to feel safe, I guess. In a world where sometimes the media and the authorities lie to them, they don’t feel safe. So much better to just close their eyes. Sometimes it is very difficult to respect your fellow humans. We do it not because it is easy, but because it is hard!

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Yeah, I agree with you. I’m constantly amazed that more people don’t question things about what we’re told by “authorities”. I guess I’m just cut from a different cloth than most, because I just wanna know the truth. Period.

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I agree. When knowing the truth, I can make better decisions for myself.

We truly have to question everything...

Viruses have never been isolated or proven to exist.

All vaccines are toxic.

"History is a set of lies agreed upon." -Napoleon Bonaparte

Perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage. Apply this logic when thinking about 9/11.

The heliocentric model has no proof. It is only theoretical. The Earth seems flat and motionless to me.

Evolution is an unproven theory. I for one did not evolve from an ape.

Gravity is an unproven theory.

Atomism is wrong think. https://youtu.be/ATNu0EIxi8Y?si=E_EAmRODX6jzwCDI

Either we question everything, or we are likely to believe in lies we haven't bothered to investigate.

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If I hear one more person say that the world has gone crazy and they’d prefer to stay in the dark...

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Or be very upset -- about the wrong things!

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I will say it again. Oh Celia - only you go the places that people don't want to imagine are possible. That said, it rings very true to me. Both from things that have been brought to my attention by you and other substackers regarding the existence of true evil in the world and just my gut level reaction to how this conflict continues to be prolonged. There is so much more going on than what we're being told and the official narrative is obviously a big stinking heap of crap. When something makes no sense it's because there's a much bigger story behind it. Only at night do we see how vast the dark is, but only if go outside and look.

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What about any Swedish intermingling in this? Since we, not the people of course but the government, have been so willing to make deals with US military, switched to NATO and now jumping up to attack Russia singlehandedly if necessary, I just wonder/fear what an "upside" could be? Any clues? I know our now prime minister used to mix in with Planned parenthood and the like?

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I have been asking myself the same, similarly for the Finns and Swiss. What was the incentive or kompromat?

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Just when you think the world can't get any more evil...how many NATO and high command officers are in need of an organ transplant? It sounds like these organs are being used for purposes that I don't even want to speculate on. Look up The Life Guardian Foundation to understand the reality of organ donation in a legitimate setting. Even in legitimate circumstances, organ donation is cruel and inhumane to the donor. Another question- what about people dying in the hospitals and nursing homes alone during schmovid. Were organs being stolen then?

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Hell truly is on earth.

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Good timing. I took the doctor repents image to post your post here on the "Minds" platform. Hunting through my saved images & everything that has "Weaponized Narrative Collapse" is going up, as well, as memes, even though they are not memes, just square postcards.

Cherish is the new love, be well.

May God nod to ward thee & thine!

{P.S. blow more kisses ;^}>

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I hope these are not true! So awful if it is.

They’re still doing mail order babies aka human trafficking (surrogacy) there as recently as this article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-68370377

I wonder—if it’s safe enough to grow babies, and have celebrities visit, how far the war actually extends in the country.

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all we have left is to pray

thank you celia

no idea how you do it, but thank you

from our hearts

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Thank you, Celia!

This organ harvesting has to be widely exposed and condemned!

The below link contains information everyone needs to learn.


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Thank you Celia Farber for this important write-up on organ trafficking rings.


Your Organ Watch reference IMO says it all: "Israel per capita stands as the world's largest recipient nation for organ transplants."

Does this statistic even include Israeli transplant tourism? OR worse, 80 years of regular, ongoing Palestinian organ harvesting?

I agree that the Zionist-occupied US and their brethren state Israel assuredly use vassal pawn states like Germany, Turkey, and Ukraine for organ processing and distribution. However, for little Israel to be the capital of organ transplants, I'd wager my life savings World Jewry is the top-of-the-food-chain kingpin of this odious industry. (Statistics purposefully unavailable.)

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Would this fit in with the depopulation scheme of the WEF and other well known globalist kabal?

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Yeah, it’s much worse than just organ harvest thing off a dead person

This group is triangle of countries you mentioned go after pregnant women pay them take their babies prostitute them the babies, depending on the amount of money they pay whether or not they can kill them in the process about 11 years old they dispose of them

If the woman doesn’t cooperate for another pregnancy, she is disposed of and harvested

Most of the women are Ukrainian according to this documentary called Diablo

The recruiters of these women are Ukrainian the scumbag that was working with this documentary got killed during the documentary

The woman in the documentary orientated around was not killed and saved by the gentleman that did the documentary

South American origin English speaking man extremely brave beyond my recognition pull this off. I saw it in 2020 one of the most horrifying real life things I’ve ever seen.

The women are often fed too animals after their purchased from Middle Eastern clientele course most of the stuff happens in Berlin .

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This is too much. Horrific.

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