..."Bill Gates Must Be Arrested For Mass Murder"...for sure, but you have to understand he would bribe his way to freedom and keep doing as much as he can to destroy humanity. All this crap we see such as fake global warming, fake pandemics, fake vaccines, fake foods, fake government, and fake medicine is all leading to one thing...the end of humanity except for the chosen few.

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how will those ” few” survive? Why would anyone shoot themselves in the foot?

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Hear ya, but who is gonna do that, We have a nation of Sheeps !!!!!

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or as my mom used to say

Don’t fuck with Mother Nature.

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Gates … the farmer and horticulturist, the scientist, the family planning expert, the vaccinologist, the philanthropist, the murderer.

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I copy here and will paste it somewhere else if ok with you?

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There’s no legitimacy to any plans to manipulate the commons without critical vetting.

That so many well-qualified scientists characterize CO2 catastrophe as pseudoscience of the worst sort should raise alarm bells. There is no “consensus,” this itself is fabricated.

We the people have a right to bodily integrity and to have our commons preserved, and reject the despoiling of that commons for arbitrary schemes.

This world isn’t a playground for those who want to expand, commercialize, and profit from technological advances and make massive interventions in our commons, justified by mere narratives.

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I recently heard a psychologist guest speaker in a course I’m taking on trauma who is part of the American Psychology Association Community of Scholars and Practitioners on Climate Change. I didn’t realize the APA has such a thing. She explained that it’s about “uncovering and supporting an accurate science perspective so the #1 most important thing is to believe climate scientists”, which is such a throwback to “believe Covid scientists” and we all know how that went.

She also kept emphasizing how integral climate change is to psychology because psychology is about behavior change. It’s clear that the climate change agenda is about behavior change, which is also what Covid science was about. She said the top 3 effects of climate change are heat, air quality and “infectious and vector-borne disease”. So basically it’s all the same agenda.

Just like Covid was full of lies, deception, manipulation and science fraud, yet something undeniable was definitely happening that was harming people, likewise with the climate agenda that’s full of lies, deception, manipulation and science fraud, something is definitely happening and that’s undeniable when we look at the weather, the rapid weakening of Earth’s magnetic field and the excursion of the magnetic poles.

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The stupidity of MDs and PhDs on full display. Either that or they are dumb enough to believe their membership in this club of grifters will ensure they get to be in the big club. Delusional at best.

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I'm tempted to ask which are the traumas of the people whose job is to believe unconditionally whatever lie the authoritarians say, and to bully other people to join their death cult. But I have a much better comment ready.

Here it is: Tony Heller is a professional empirical unperplexificator and he does cool videos, too. Just one simple video demonstrates empirically that mountains are still there and everything is fine.


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Thank you for that link. I already knew about Sagan and his crooked buddy Gore. But, Hawkins was disappointing.

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Climate manipulation exists. Not climate change or CO2. Geoengineering. There are extreme weather events that are not normal or even "unbelievable". Have a look.


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The earth is alive, it yin's and yangs on its own. We are not in control. However, all this brainwashing garbage with EV,s and carbon panic is all about control. Thats it! . Stupid brainwashed people get to assuage their guilt by pulling up in their EV and giving the impression, we care, we are saving the planet. Yet they cant tell you a single thing beyond the surface tinsel of their cause.

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The sun and moon are small and local.

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Is this flat earth?

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I agree.

On the moon, this is a short clip from 1965, and well worth reviewing, imo.


If people would like to review the information on this channel, I believe they will get closer to what the moon and sun truly are.


It is all too likely the moon is in fact a plasma based reflection of the Earth's land mass. 'Vibes of cosmos' makes a compelling case in regards to this.

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Jun 23Edited
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A great idea I can get behind.

"Spray the sun instead of the earth?"

Yes! Let all those who think blocking the sun is a good idea go directly to the sun to do. They can all go there on a Boeing starship and spray the gunk on the sun itself. Don’t leave anyone behind!

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You had me at "Bill Gates must be arrested..."

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Grüß Gott! Planning to implement SRM, Solar Radiation Management? Well no, not planning but doing and have been doing this for quite some years now. What is fly coal ash? What is it for? What goes up must go down is an old saying...Some days I wake up and the sky looks like my excel spreadsheet I used to work with, a very interesting grid. Oh well, I'm sure that the word chemical trailing is just a word, nothing to worry about, phew! Thank God, now I can sleep quietly. This book is just a great story, Death In The Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare Kindle Edition

by Leonard G Horowitz (Author) , very interesting as is the ofher one: Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident, or Intentional? Kindle Edition

by Leonard G Horowitz (Author), W John Martin (Author) Oh the world is a stage alright, but who's stage is it? It is Sunday so we'll keep it all light and fluffy, enjoy God's creation, Grüß Gott, Saludos!

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The basics of coal ash. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/coal-ash-fly-ash-bottom-ash-and-boiler-slag

Mostly this is well written w/ attention to grammatical detail. So I hope you'll receive a couple of tweaks. Chemtrails might be a word. Chemical trailing is definitely a phrase. Whose stage is it? not Who's stage is it?

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Ah yes, proofreaders they are worth their weight in gold, thanks for the whose and who's however the trailing of chemicals and chemicals in trailing was written like that on purpose to get the thinking going in the action that is happening, as in an ongoing, story, you see? Just a word makes it stop in the mind, ah yes chemtrails, a word, just bury it or slander it or ridicule it and it is out of the mind's eye, but if it is an action you have to think about it, just like you just did, ya see? Yes, you do see, me thinks, yes, yes, your brain explodes it has to be 'I think' not 'me thinks', guess what there are writers and then there are writers and those make you think and act and re-act, thanks again for the proofreading on a Sunday, glad you liked my grammatically mostly well written short clip, I wish you a wonderful day, kind regards. Chemtrails is a word if you read mil. docs of the U.S., btw it is 'with' and not w/, just kidding and tweaking, may we all keep each other sharp to detail.

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Way more thoughtful and kind than deserved!

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Thanks, kind regards.

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Another good article on coal fly ash.


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Why is "Stratos/atmos-pheric Aerosol Injection" (geo-engineering/chem-trails) always talked about as if it is something that is going to be done in the future? It's been done for decades; it started where I live just over a decade ago, and now the sky is dull-milky-greyey-blue instead of bright-bright-blue as it used to be. And when it rains, God knows what comes down with it. The olive harvest is a month out of kilter from long historical experience; grape-harvests are failing more often; there are fewer bees.

So what you get is first, global-warming hysteria zapped up by the media, and meanwhile chem-trailing which is actually changing the climate (at least in local experience) so they then turn round and say "Look, I told you so ... it's man-made climate change, we have to reduce CO2... and all that bollocks destroying agrarian economies and communities.

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So, proposing MORE chemtrails? Like, we aren't getting enough of them already for the last, what, 40 years at least? And have they cooled things off? All those jets spraying all that alum-barium-whatnot swill crisscross for hours on every single blue sky day, regardless of ambient temperature and season, doing nothing for the heat waves but putting a layer of white shit on your solar panels every time it rains so their output is cut by 30%. Still not as effective as a good old volcanic eruption darkening the global skies for a year. I remember the one that made it impossible for my garden to produce even one tomato, in a summer where no one went swimming because it was always too cold. Is that Gates' Final Solution?

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Reminds me of all the prescient diabolical idiocy of all the main characters in Stanley Kubrick's brilliant DOCTOR STRANGELOVE: OR HOW I STOPPED WORRYING AND LEARNED TO LOVE THE BOMB. It all ended just as a Bill Gatesian figure, waving a cowboy hat, cheered in victory as he rode astride a nuclear bomb down to the explosive bitter end finale of one of the best films ever made.

That was made in a time when fiction and satire were stranger than Truth. In our day and age, sinners now prefer their concocted fiction to reality as God created it

God the Creator and Sustainer doesnt like having His copyrighted script for how the Universe is created to run ignored and disparaged while greedy, idol worshiping megalomaniacs infiltrate first, then formulate and act upon their own lies, because the rest of us were busily worshipping our own idols: education, tech, entertainment, sex, stuporific sleep, etc., etc

And, like it or not, believe it or not, heeere we are: legions shouting impotently into the void from their computer screens: "ARREST BILL GATES!!! JAIL JOE BIDEN!! BLAH BLAH BLAH YADAYADAYADA.......!

As if they're going to make any of it happen by screaming and shouting......

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I think that in BC, Canada, where I live, we are already witnessing this.... hazy and white and pretty much no spring....first few days of summer have followed the same pattern..... this will be followed by fires raging all summer and travel/water restrictions will be in place and the air quality will kill you.... meanwhile in Calgary, they have been w/o water for weeks BUT the stampede will go ahead.... you know, priorities..... https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/the-show-will-go-on-calgary-stampede-will-proceed-despite-water-restrictions-1.6930245

...and more of this psycho......

Bill Gates Caught Telling Inner Circle ‘Global Famine’ Will Make Elites ‘God-Like’ https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-bill-gates-global-famine/5859705

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Jun 23Edited

But what can be done? I look up at the sky every day and see the chemtrails and nothing happens. How can we stop it? Is it even worth trying in a state like CA?

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Geo-engineering has been operative for several decades and is a stacked complex weapons system integral to the emerging Transhumanist Technocracy. All weather is manipulated along with space based weapons such as directed energy weapons using satellites and engineered plasma. None of this is secret as it's encoded in official documents, produced by military contractors and traded on global stock markets. Disaster Capitalism on steroids.

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Absolutely---never give an inch. Whenever the subject of global warming/climate change/ etc. comes up ask a few questions. The first should always be: What percentage of the earth's atmosphere is carbon dioxide? Answer: about .04 percent. When they respond that they didn't know it was as low as 4%, gently inform them that "no, that is actually four one-hundredths of one percent". That should be enough to end any debate about carbon emissions and climate. You can then paraphrase a famous quote (originally about the subject of economics) "It is no crime to be ignorant of the facts of geothermal science which is, after all, a specialized discipline; but it is irresponsible to voice loud and vociferous opinions on the subject while remaining in this state of ignorance."

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