This is not about a magazine called Scientific American.

This is about a monstrous cabal that already ate a magazine called Scientific American, some time ago.

This is "only the 2nd time" in 179 years that they've endorsed a candidate for president.

The first time was in 2020.

There is no Scientific American, just like there is no Rolling Stone, no Mother Jones.

Just the zombified husks with the souls sucked out.

Just memories of the before times.

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Utterly accurate.

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Thank you 💛🙏💛 Celia!

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Took a flight with my husband, who's a scientist, about 20 years ago. He bought a copy of Scientific American to read on the plane and threw it down in disgust. That was the last time he looked at a copy. I think most of these magazines started going south at least in the mid-90s. Conde Nast built their huge new headquarters in the late 90s--so you know it was pretty much over by then.

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we now know how soft the hard science is, was, and ever shall be.

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You are absolutely correct.

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Exactly, it was around the 90s that these people started going hard but people weren’t noticing it as much at the time. Not many knew it would get as bad as this.

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My husband subscribed, but I didn't read it much. I'm not sure he did either. We stopped in the mid to late 90s.

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Sep 18Edited

My father got a TIME magazine subscription as a graduation present in 1952. By the 1980s, our family insisted he cancel it. It had become corporate leftist pulp by then, and no one could take it anymore.

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My husband saved a Time cover from the late 80s I think. It had Powell, Rumsfeld, and Cheney glowering and wanting to go to war with Iraq. Then, by golly, Kuwait followed by 911. Wow, excuses.

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Scientific American is an insult to human dignity.

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they somehow manage to stand for both bodily integrity and coercive injection.

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bodily integrity is only about the body politic. That's the key of the collectivism of eugenics: individuals don't matter, only power matters.

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When I was young, “Scientific American” was actually about hard science and if you weren’t a highly trained scientist you wouldn’t even understand any of it. Now it’s just another dumb-ass propaganda rag. Sad.

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even Pasteur was propaganda.

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Right. Yeah, and random. I have been in trials called random. They were about exercise. They were helpful. But random? No.

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It is missing the dancing needles.

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The Vax-scene!

And that is WHY Stephen Colbert automatically triggers my gag reflex.

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omg -- what happened to him? -- he was initially so sarcastic -- now he's... encouraging people to take shots he knows nothing about. how is that his job?

not to mention the ugly, stupid, insulting ejaculating hypodermics -- the concept is... debased, humiliating. wow.

what a fall from grace.

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He literally did a sketch on sacrificing a baby to moloch. I saw it on Rumble.

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found it. the decline and fall of show biz.

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You DON'T get your own show on television unless you've sold your soul, hook, line, and sinker. Colbert has made his deal. It's up to you now, to make sure no one steals your crown.

Revelation 3:10-11

"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon the whole world to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11Behold, I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."

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Sep 17
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So? The question to ask, is why anti-Semitism is a viable worldview? Could it be because of widespread bad behavior by the Turk Mongolian pretenders calling themselves "Jews?"

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Sep 18
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An amoral business model, exactly.

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Could you please pass the air sickness bag?

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1. The government funds almost all scientific research.

2. Government regulators decide which studies and experiments happen and which do not get done.

3. Essentially all government regulators are leftists.

What did we expect the outcome would be?

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There are some trials that docs fund themselves. If they are gray-eminence enough, they can get away with it.

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I am guessing though that to get to be "gray-eminence enough" you have to prove you're a leftist.

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I do not think so. This was a guy recruited to Oregon from bay area. They paid a big fortune to get him, I am sure. OR can afford it. Knight Foundation. Nike money. They want cancer survivors to continue to buy shoes and gear, no doubt. Not that there's anything wrong with that. No proof of leftishness, as opposed to righteousness, required I am conjecturing and theorising.

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While I hate the woke left, you really need to take a broader view of the whole thing looking at history, rather than repeating Mitt Romney level talking points.

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Sep 17
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Ok. But I am required by my chosen faith to pray for the ignorant, up/down, whatever.

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Sep 17
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Required by my choice of activities of daily living (social-work talk for survival -requirements to stay in a particular temple (body). If one cannot accomplish adl's, one fades to another dimension.

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Yes, but it’s only because they go along with the leftist.

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If by left you mean Jews then yes, there are serious leftists though who are not Jews.

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Sep 18
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As hard as it is to pray for big gates.

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LOL, do you think unregulated Jew capitalism would yield better results? Think man don't just regurgitate basic bitch neo-con propaganda.

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Capitalism was a hoax invented by Marx, in the sense you are using the term.

Regulation is a market of privilege and influence. Deregulation is the new version of the Equal Rights ideal: no privileges and no influence, just production and research.

The most important thing in terms of industry is that the industrialist and the stock holders must bear all the risk. There can be no rescue for them. Their products either yield profits or get destroyed by the force of creative destruction.

There can be nothing like internalization of profits and externalization of risks. That's not pure capitalism. The bankers, the entrepreneurs, the industrialists and the financiers all hate pure capitalism, because they bear all risk. That's why all of them defend regulation: they spread their risk and their losses among the public.

And that's how we got here: a subset of the rich hate reality so much that everyone must be destroyed or enslaved to protect their position.

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Yes the medieval guild system was a better system. I have an essay on that.


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Then there is doctor-of-trash-talk, youngest -tenure in biological science, (now with some gray), the famous and infamous Tyrone Heyes. Syngenta threatened him, and he doubled down in no uncertain terms. See The Frog of War--I think that was in Forbes maybe. He got a creepy guy fired in the end, I think. I adore Tyrone. He just went at 'em. Swiss guys thought they could get him fired from Berkely for colorful language. Jajaja. I loved Tyrone's go at them so much.

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Sep 17
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But who funds the MMMIC? I expect they are crowdfunded.

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All wars are bankers wars.

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I've noticed that )))borrowers((( also like to participate in wars, as if led by an irresistible song of (((sirens)))

Could it be that pouring bee's was in ears can save lives, at least for a while?

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Scientific American has long showed itself as a presstitute publication ever since they gave a regular column to the puppet-to-power commentator, Michael Shermer, editor of the ridiculous Skeptic Magazine.

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Here is a smear piece on me and on 9/11 Studies in 2010 in Scientific American.


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Take it as a badge of honor!

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Yes. I was able to expose Shermer and his hosts at Scientific American for the frauds they are.


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I remember my nerdy, older than me by 6 years, cousin when he was in high school in the early 60’s, had a subscription to Scientific American. Not my thing really, I was into Vogue Magazine, Glamour, and Mademoiselle back then!

He went onto become a top ‘cancer researcher’ at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis TN. Ran a ‘cancer lab’ with a team of people. Thankfully he passed away at age of 73 in May 2019 of a heart attack. He was such a bore, and a ‘science know it all’. He would have been abysmal to listen to if he had been alive during the Scamdemic.

He would have been seriously ‘pushing the Jabs’ on all our family. We would have not listened to him and we didn’t listen to the advice of any of the three letter government agencies. And no one in our “side of the family” got the Jabs. Everyone on his side, (his remaining siblings and nephews and a couple of other cousins), all got them!

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How are they doing? A serious question. We need to expand the work of Mark Crispin Miller to encourage families to give details of sudden deaths in obits, because that information has been made extremely relevant to society as a whole by the bioweapons themselves, and the lamestream media is suppressing any suggestion the jabs are related to excess deaths. History is being mangled, again.

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A family in Oregon was able to force The Oregonian to publish an obit of a mom who took the blast to work in her child's Catholic school.

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Now that is something I can truly empathize with considering most of the women in my family ended up working in their kids school. It’s about the best job A woman could have when her kid is in elementary school. Although at this point, I would definitely homeschool if I had kids again.

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God rest her soul. My hat is off to that family. True anecdotal accounts will do more than anything to waken the sleeping masses to the necessity and availability of mitigation. The clock is ticking...

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This was early on, too. This was a school in an upscale hood--possibly a targeted hot lot. The family paid for the obit. The rage was under-stated but highly out-there.

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He is asking for financial support. Pretty stretched at the moment, as I am sure you know.

The nurses and doctors transitioning is astonishing that MCM is posting ...but then, Dr. Vanden Bossche has told us to expect this.

Personally I have never experienced such a split in the "MIND FIELD" between the vaxxxd and unvaxxxd, or as Clif High suggests: the 'normies'. vs 'woo woo' folks. It's as if we are living on 2 different planets at one time.

Never before in my life have I gone to an outpatient clinic and when they ask" Who is your doctor?"..I have to reply that I don't have one. Now loaded/loading up on home self help 'doc' books.

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"It will be fun!" he would have said.

"They're safe and effective and you'll be protected," he would have said.

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The democrats are the evil party of Moloch, obsessed with human/child sacrifice.

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I remember when there were plenty of Republicans and Democrats going camping together at the Bohemian Grove (no relation) and playing around naked in the woods. At least, I think I do. It could have been an Alex Jones fantasy. But anyway, it struck me as an exercise in bipartisanship.

And I remember that the Wellstone family's plane crashed just after Senator Paul Wellstone refused to play along with Dubya's war plans. Pure coincidence, that tragedy, but I 'n sure there was nothing suspicious about it.

Have the Republicans became the peacemakers now or did the warmonger team change their jerseys? Dick Cheney opting for Kamala speaks volumes. And she's expecting Karl Rove's endorsement some time soon.

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That's exactly it. And posing as innocent do-gooders all the while. Ever transgressing order and ever the victim when they chaos they engineer comes back to harm them, and us. There are no words.

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I was a life long reader, but during Covid, I canceled them and that is for good.

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NEVER trust "the Science". What a wretched piece of propaganda. IF you have a subscription to Scientific American, please do the right thing and CANCEL.

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In a nutshell it’s the opposite of truth, or maybe a better characterisation would be the opposite of reality in terms of how we perceive it to be.

See what I did there, a word salad that that Crimella would be proud of. 🤡

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Need to change the name to Politically Correct American Science. Gag .

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I'm fed up.

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I am too. Utterly. Drained, beat, shot, finished, fed up. No idea if we are making progress. Feeling so sick with sorrow for the victims. Feeling worse, always, for the ones who lived.

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I just said the same thing to my husband over dinner this evening; "I feel so sad for the people who died as a result of taking the 'jab' but I feel even worse for those who survived but were left with horrific side effects." The last 4 years have been soul crushing.

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Are we allowed to admit the last 4 years have been soul crushing?

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only if you've got enough soul left to admit it.

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we are...Dr Pierre Kory just posted a great articile on Substack re the Ohio hospital system withdrawing the vaxxx requirement for all medical personnel.

It's happening.


Kory's reasoning: they are now afraid of lawsuits. Makes sense to me.

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I usually can lift up, I know better, but lately,I truly sick of it, and I'm in Ohio, the Springfield incident was/is close and I had an encounter in library with a illegal, who was arrogant and no clue at all of language and proper behavior..what's that, right..it just affected me.

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so sorry. I live in Chicago..it's not going down well here for some illegals. The Venezuelan gangs failed to recognize the gangs already here in the Latino and Black communities do not appreciate their territory being usurped. They pretty much left right away. There is something to be said for having one's own 'gangs' who are territorial. Even the Chicago police leave those gangs alone..which is why we get so much bad press: But it really is only 2 neighborhoods on the west side of town. It's sometimes better to live in the 'belly of the beast'.

I would be beside myself if I lived in Springfield Ohio and have a governor who acts like nothing is happening and like, roasting cats is just fine.

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I just found out where the mayor, of springfield, an official owns apt. Complexes, evicted tenants, put in Haitians, double rent, it always comes down to money. More coming out on officials getting paid, and people involved, it's the same everywhere and growing. SIGH.

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He will be awfully sorry. That was a seriously stupid thing to do. Now he will have to rehab all of his apts to rent them down the road once they leave. And leave they will.

Likely the supplies and appliances will not be available to purchase. Just desserts.

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grateful to be seeing this in group, thankful to Celia for taking the initial adrenalin hit of discovery. because otherwise it is maddening, this layer cake of infamy -- the worst being complacency, conformity -- we were warned in 1950s scifi and earlier -- but now is a special moment of mind-shattering revelation.

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It is. It really is "mind shattering." Yet here we are. We somehow stay sane and keep going. But we're so numb. It's hard to know what to cover, write about, or why.

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If possible, try writing about these topics for the next weeks: love, memory, ***folk*** music, peace, grapes, and cats pushing objects off shelves.

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Anyone who's into real science will see this for the nonsense that it is.

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