
I remember the Marshall Rosenberg video. I learned many things there. I practiced those things with my loved ones, and it went better than I expected.

This one is interesting. The guy is talking about his craft. I'll give it a try.

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Apr 21Liked by Celia Farber

Dear Celia, Did you have any particular structure you want for the four of us core?

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I think, with one frustrating "trauma" ..It might be helpful to accept that, 'THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS.'

The majority public will NEVER wake up to the point where they have majority influence over the priests of Dominion and their lackeys.

So there is one absolute that is not worthy of which to traumatize oneself.

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Sorrow, Passion & Beauty



Radical Honesty


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Abridged Letter to my Doctor! = Surgery of Doctor W & Partners Cease and Desist Order dated 21st April 2024. Delivered by hand by MLC (Hooe (UK) on 22nd April 2024.

To all persons involved in the distribution of invitations for injectable EXPERIMENTAL medicines and vaccines, including the frequently dangerous Covid 19 injection referred to as a ‘VACCINE’. Delivered, with no option to ‘opt-out’. I’ve received THREE such automated and unwanted invitations this month and it’s only the 20th April. These frequent and unwanted invitations suggest that I might wish to participate in the dangerous and unproven medical ‘Experiment’. Such frequent distressing invitations must cease immediately. The Covid 19 ‘Experimental’ injections are ineffective and frequently found to be dangerous, if not lethal. The medical profession has a moral and legal responsibility to establish Safety, reliability and efficacy before every patient is totally informed of the side effects in order to ensure that they can give their ‘Informed Consent’. This protocol seems to have been abandoned since the creation and release of the disease. A Medical Doctor’s Hippocratic Oath requires every Doctor to obtain ‘Informed Consent’ and to ‘do no harm’, but it seems this basic courtesy has been ignored since the launch of the injection for Corona virus. Why does the medical profession continue to promote a dangerous, unproven EXPERIMENTAL injection when they frequently result in retrograde symptoms and other frequently encountered health issues are experienced? Many of the ‘vax-related’ Adverse Reactions and DEATHS caused are routinely ignored. I do not wish to receive another invitation to participate in the mRNA Covid 19 depopulating injection. Further communication of this nature will be regarded as a deliberate threat to my health and my safety. There have been many DEATHS related to the Covid 19 Experimental injections (inappropriately called ‘VACCINE’) and to continue these approaches will be regarded as an attempt to harm, injure or perhaps to kill me. Doctors were told to resist prescribing other proven anti-viral medicines like IVERMECTIN. Why? Those involved in the promotion and marketing of these dangerous mRNA genetically modifying injections might be complicit in harassment or endangering a person’s natural resistance to such viruses. I am happy to meet with any member of your practice should you wish to discuss this unpleasant issue.

MLC (aka Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

(Full name and contact information is included in the original letter.)

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Wow Celia, this guy is really good. I agree with him totally and I’m learning from him. I’ll be on the zoom call momentarily!

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