Its all so simple to figure out. Reiner was Jailed because he is telling the truth.

A most inconvenient truth.

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It's essential to the success of their program of technological expansion/intrusion that its flaws remain hidden from the general population.

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Sometimes they assume a website is spam if it has a lot of tags included in the URL. (Sometimes everything substack is blocked, like I still think they do on X.)

Next time use a link like this... Notice how I didn't include the extra stuff after the article link.


I cut this part off: ( ?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2 )

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Facebook is dead to me, Canada wont allow any news at all on it. I go to a post and I comment on it, thats how I get my stuff to stay there. I do believe the US gov is dictating to FB and YT what they can allow on their sites.

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Facebook was Always a CIA/DARPA Psyop from the beginning. Dustin Moskovitz and Mark Zuckerberg were awarded billions to run the scam.

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I know of Facebook as a government operation, but has anyone done a deep dive on this topic?

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Yes we have, of course it was divulged that Zukerberg and staff actively were involved with the FBI during the last election, deleting posts as "Russian disinformation" on a number of subjects, the Hunter laptop, for example. But where I think we can find the deeper connection is with Dustin Mosckovitz and his funding.

Facebook is in DEEP DEEP $#*+! here and they should be EXPOSED, and severally Prosecuted: A co-founder of FaceBook is Dustin Mosckovitz: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/87/Dustin

Moskovitz co-founded Facebook and later Asana, becoming a billionaire in the process.

Grants in this portfolio include:

Moskovitz backs things like "Event 201" and other Gates/WEF/Fauci prmorotions.

About $38 million to the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.[39]

$11.3 million to the University of Washington’s Institute for Protein Design to develop a universal flu vaccine.[39][40][30]

About $23 million to the Effective Ventures Foundation (EVF) for the purchase of Wytham Abbey as a venue for hosting conferences and other events related to global catastrophic risk.[41][42] In 2024, Open Philanthropy announced that after evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the space, they asked EVF to sell it, and that proceeds from the sale will be distributed to other EVF projects.[43]

$55 million to create the Center for Security and Emerging Technology.[44]

$5.5 million to launch the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence at UC Berkeley.[45]

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Zukenberg is rotchildov gandson

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Trudeau doesn't like it when the truth is revealed I guess. His Ship of State sunk some time ago.

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…because Reiner has laid out exactly their playbook, from pcr fraud, to no actual virus, to transhumanism agenda through mRNA / peg nano, the great reset neofeudal system of one world government, the corruption, the money laundering and blackmail through the intel agencies of CIA / Mi6 / Mossad and the endless war plans for Mideast and Ukraine…he has his finger on the pulse. And when the pulse is the agendas of the central banksters, you go to jail…same as Julien Assange.

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Greater Israel can only happen if the US beat on all Israel Arab neighbors.

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Celia, i never received either of your Reiner posts in my Inbox, although my sister received both and forwarded to me.

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These laws are similar to Bill C-63 in Canada. If passed, they would enable our legal system to arrest and accuse individuals based on pre-crime. I'm uncertain whether this is worse or comparable to the practices of the Stasi.

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I’m Canadian and it’s worse! Canadians must unite! We must stand up against the psychopath Trudeau’s tyranny!!!

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We are doing something. The Conservatives won in a by-election last night. Journalist Ezra Levant is legally fighting Bill C-63. Let's hope for Trudeau to step down and for a general election in the fall.



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Poilièvre, seriously! He and Trudeau are two peas of the same pod!!! Maxime Bernier PPC is what we need!

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Thus, we're heading towards a Stasi-type government anyway! I cannot defend Mr. Poilievre's stance or his politics. However, there are politicians like Orban in Hungary and Milei in Argentina who distance themselves from the WEF, the WHO, and NATO. Let's see what will happen, as the choice is not entirely ours anyway.

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The Canadian people will prevail! We will destroy the Stasi type government 💪

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That's the spirit!

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Evidence-based information has the potential to play a significant role in challenging and ultimately dismantling corrupted regimes. By providing clear and verifiable data, evidence-based information can expose injustices, corruption, and human rights abuses perpetrated by authoritarian or corrupt governments. This transparency can help mobilize public opinion, garner international support, and empower grassroots movements to demand accountability and change (https://www.drtrozzi.news/p/an-injection-of-truth-complete?). Additionally, evidence-based information can help to undermine the legitimacy of corrupt regimes by debunking false narratives and exposing the truth behind their actions. This can weaken the regime's hold on power and erode its support base, ultimately leading to its downfall. However, it is important to recognize that challenging corrupt regimes is a complex and often dangerous endeavor, and evidence-based information alone may not be sufficient to bring about meaningful change. It must be coupled with grassroots activism, as you said, international pressure, and a range of strategic actions to effectively challenge and topple corrupted regimes.

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Orban, yes. Milei, controlled opposition 😱

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Even fat, drunk and stupid knows Poilièvre is controlled opposition.

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So, it looks like we're in for a rough ride.

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One might get the impression that Reiner is saying the wheels are coming off the globalist's juggernaut. Even though momentum keeps shifting both ways. Here in the United Snakes important judicial rulings will factor strongly into the continued saga. For example, last Friday the SCOTUS made an unconstitutional ruling on 2A. Mike Adams and cohorts have filed a censorship a strong lawsuit against government collusion with Big Tech. In a corrupt court this lawsuit will be struck down. In contrast the 9th U.S. District court recently ruled that the Moderna and Pfizer injections weren't/aren't vaccines thereby making the perpetrators culpable. Albert Bourla (Pfizer) in veiled language has stated that these injections were merely a rehearsal and that something far larger is looming. Could he be referring to contamination of food, both plant and animal, by mRNA technology. A rough ride indeed.

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All parties are controlled from on high N.B. "On High" is only a figure od speech.

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I'm surprised people still use utub, fb etc..... . Why support the ones who hate you?

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I initially thought that too, but in order to reach as many as possible, one must occasionally use their own tools against them.

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Precisely. Posting on FB is not going to reach enough people to cause an upswell of support. FB has so many tricks they employ to relegate anything they want to quash into the shadows. Everyone knows this by now. FB is also replete with state agents and AI bots that appear as if they are FB account holders. The place is a joke. Even dating websites operate in this fashion. Besides, most simply do not care as normies, and have no clue what is going on in the world.

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There are numerous group pages that are great sources of info... for example, solar set-ups on RV's, travel in Baja, even a group for the exact make and model of the car I drive. Not to mention groups about autistic children, space-clearing, hippie-trail travel in the 70's; the Schumann resonance on any given day... the list goes on. l myself occasionally but rarely make posts regarding my unpopular opinions, but they're few and far between. Also, you can place calls to anyone who has a Facebook account - great transmission & sound, no roaming charges.

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Wow, not much time for actually living among people. To each their own

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For which you make a good case! Or would, if it were true.

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AI has started being part of the censorship. I’m on “ jail “ so much, my friend sent me a facebook jail tee shirt.

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Was it Reiner or was it Substack which FB didn't like? I've tried linking Substack posts before and they have been removed promptly.

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So, that's why I haven't heard any news about that brave man since his arrest. It's becoming common for our freedom fighters to be arrested, or should we say kidnapped in plain sight, nowadays.



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They don't want posts about the crimes of the Vatican or the Mafia either.

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Celia, reach out to Dr. Mike Yeaden; he's been following and supporting Reiner from the beginning.

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We could know that covid was a psyop from Day One when they told us that a Chinese research team had found the Chinese cobra and many-banded krait to be "reservoirs" of the virus but then have the claim rubbished within the same article by Sydney University bio-security specialist, Edward Holmes, as "complete garbage." Pushing out nonsense and then debunking it is a classic hallmark of psyops.

Knowing that covid was a psyop I then predicted controlled opposition - didn't know what form it would take but as soon as I heard "Corona investigative committee" I thought "Oh that'll be the same as the fake Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry" which has achieved precisely nothing in 20 years ... all as intended.

These are links suggesting that Fuellmich is controlled opposition. Make up your own mind.



https://odiariodeumet.blogs.sapo.pt/harald-kautz-vella-and-dr-reiner-489904 (this goes over my head)

Celia, You do know that there are a lot of people out there saying that Reiner Fuellmich is controlled opposition and before I saw or heard anyone else say it I thought it myself simply because of the way big psyops work and I noticed he said something that was wildly incorrect which struck me as Revelation of the Method. He said:

"In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities. In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, in this sense, are getting shot in the head."


People were not thrown into prison in Australia for not wearing a mask and certainly not for not wearing it properly.

They always push out people who look as though they're going to do things for the opposition - leave it to us, we'll take care of it. I'm not sure why you're so persuaded he's genuine.

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I have not had any of my NUMEROUS posts on Reiner removed from FB. However, I have instantly had 2 posts on Israel and Gaza removed. Like you, I have asked for a review. What is at least somewhat strange is that the views expressed in them are different. All I could see what that Israel and Gaza were referred to in the totle.

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I have had the exact same response from Facebook on my posts. I have never been a "Facebook person" I knew it was phony back in 2008, and being used to track social contacts. I set up a page to stay in touch with some high school friends recently. and they have already blocked two of my Substack posts to friends only.

The blocked the story about the 9th Circuit Ruling against the Jabs as not being "vaccines" saying "independent fact-checkers disagreed" with the facts. Facebook didn't name these "experts" who they claim know more about US Code of Law 18 and the US Court of Appeals.

Dustin Moskovitz and Mark Zuckerberg are in bed with BIG PHARMA big time. This is where they got their billions as "boy wonders,"

Dr. David Martin has called them out. This is from Moskovitz's Wiki page:

Moskovitz co-founded the philanthropic organization Good Ventures with his girlfriend (and now wife) Cari Tuna in 2011.[18] In June 2012, Good Ventures announced a close partnership with charity evaluator GiveWell. Both organizations "are aiming to do as much good as possible" and thereby align with the goals of effective altruism.[19][20] Good Ventures has donated approximately $100 million from 2011 onward to GiveWell top charities Against Malaria Foundation, GiveDirectly, Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, and Deworm the World Initiative, as well as standout charities and other effective altruist organizations.[21]

The collaboration with GiveWell led to a spinoff called the Open Philanthropy Project, whose goal is to figure out the best possible way to use large sums of money (starting with Moskovitz's multi-billion-dollar fortune) to do the best.[22][23][24] Renamed to just "Open Philanthropy", it has since become a separate organization, and continuously increases its annual giving, having made over $170 million in grants in 2018.[25] Moskowitz is a supporter of using rationality to guide his decision-making.[26] In 2023, Moskovitz through Open Philanthropy donated $900,000 to scientists in Africa, Asia, and South America to further study the impacts of climate change.[27]

Moskovitz and Tuna are also the youngest couple to sign Bill Gates and Warren Buffett's Giving Pledge, which commits billionaires to give away most of their wealth in the form of philanthropy.[28] Dustin is also a signatory of The Giving What We Can Pledge.[29]

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