
Howdy folks. Celia called me from the road to say... to see her prior articles on Reiner Fuellmich...

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Celia Farber

Hello Ms. Farber, Mr. Fuellmich has been in jail now for about seven months because he allegedly exposed at least some of the state-level lies going on with the Covid fraud?! Why isn't he free on bail? And what crime is he accused of? As another commentator here said, this does indeed sound like the return of the Stasi to Germany.

Also, does his jailing have anything to do with his exposure of the Volkswagen company fraud of rigging their emission standards thus Mr. Fuellmich having revealed systemic fraud at an established and otherwise previously reputable German/transnational company?

Something, many things around attorney Fuellmich's detention seem very, very wrong and in violation of Western standards of Due Process. Can you briefly describe what is going on or at least provide a reference where the full story of attorney Fuellmich can be learned about by the reader? Thank you.

Mattias Desmit on Mass Formation Psychology. How the Covid scam was pulled off. https://www.google.com/search?q=Mattias+Desmit&rlz=1CAACGA_enUS1105&oq=Mattias+Desmit&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDc2MDBqMGoxqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:d2b58229,vid:Egq5Y0taok4,st:0

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

On top of VolksWagen, don’t forget Deutsche Bank!

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Celia Farber

I honestly know nothing about what attorney Fuellmich was involved in with Deutsche Bank. Or what Deutsche Bank was accused and perhaps convicted of?

But this is indeed sounding more and more like a Julian Assange Star Chamber sort of persecution in violation of Western standards of Due Process. Needless to say a very disturbing development in a presumptive "open" society.

If there is one thing we have learned from recent history it is if the "authorities" are allowed to get away with this once they will be emboldened to push the limit even farther the next time.

Recall, if you will, that when Dr. Anthony Faucci's investment in and involvement with the Wuhan virology lab were revealed by American "muck raking" journalists Dr. Faucci conveniently faded from the picture never to be heard from again.

Dr. Faucci was perhaps the leading propagandist pushing the Covid hysteria on a frightened American public. Now, as the Covid scandal has been increasingly exposed as mostly a fabrication Faucci is nowhere to be seen.

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To paraphrase a comedian from the 80s, blaming soulless Fauci is like blaming the little dog for the Mack truck that ran you over. He certainly has played his role well for his bosses. RFK jr’s book about him is sickening.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

It’s about junk mortgages. Very criminal. I’m sure you can find information.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you for the "heads up." One might perhaps recall the enormous junk mortgage fraud/scam pulled off by Wall Street banks here in America prior to the 2008/9 financial crisis.

The banks issued mortgages to unqualified borrowers most of whom would never be able to meet their mortgage payments. The banks then "bundled" those mortgages as investment vehicles (or types of "derivatives.") When the millions of investors realized/ understood there was little to no value in the investment instruments based on dodgy mortgages investors fled the market; the market crashed and the federal government "bailed-out (or payed off) the banks to the tune of hundreds of million if not billions of dollars with taxpayer money essentially shifting public wealth into the private pockets of Wall Street banks.

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Reiner Fuellmich is in detention due to the risk of him evading trial. He is on record of wanting to leave Germany during the whole of 2023. In the Summer of 2023, just before his extradition from Mexico to Germany, and his subsequent arrest, Fuellmich is on record about his „move“. This might have triggered his arrest, or it might have indicated to something else that would imply him not being available for trial.

All those who think he might be a „political prisoner“, even compare Fuellmich to Assange, bear in mind that there are very few „political prisoners“ which are granted to record political messages from their cell. Reiner Fuellmich‘s case for sure is VERY uncommon, but to overlook the multiple red flags pointing to some sort of secret operation, possibly even involving Reiner Fuellmich is indicative of wishful thinking. Reiner Fuellmich has lied about his connections to the Scientology organisation. Court Documents prove that he „employed the same tactics as the Scientology Organisation. He was close to a state official who helped Scientology more than they contained them.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

The trials of Mr. Fuellmich are shocking. And if only it were happening just in Germany. The specifics, charges and twists and turns of cases against many in the medical freedom movement are each unique. But I think of Dr. Kalvinder Kaur Gill in Canada, who had to pay a $300K fine? Why? Because she went on social media to oppose lockdowns. And though the harms of lockdowns were known before they were imposed by governments across 'the West' and many others like China, Dr. Kalvinder Gill had to pay the fine because she was espousing a view that did not concur in Canada with "the accepted facts" that lockdowns were "a good."

And I have received an email over the weekend that Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik in the USA are going before a regulatory body that may strip them of their licenses to practice medicine.

I think the case of Mr. Fuellmich (and C.J. Hopkins case) point to the Stasi spirit being very much alive in Germany. It is a spirit that has leaked across the West, revealing something ugly about the decay and corruption of nation after nation.

The pace of post-modern life, the strategies of tension by government/media, have so many people in a state of anxiety and fear of the other. As societies writ large we are losing our capacity for reflection and to name what is occurring. The quote by Rene Girard names our current condition, and without insight into our predicament - our constant need for scapegoats - where will our redemption come from?

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

I live in Canada. We are definitely under a totalitarian state with Trudeau.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

As is Australia and the entire world.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

Reiner pointed out a spiritual alienation on the part of inventors and promoters of the covid fix. I think of it as a mental illness akin to narcissism, seen in close-up encounter. The subject turns inward toward a shadow realm, and exhibits disdain of varying degrees of intensity, perhaps out of desire for, or reliance on pat answers founded upon a scientism that takes the experimental realm to be a congery of nothing-data, amenable to business patenting and profit on a scale to ensure security at home and in pursuit of lifestyle and pleasures. In its final extreme it poses as judge or lecturer, perhaps executioner. Meanwhile persons of conscience address empty parliaments and lethal chauvinisms rule the day. This is what comes immediately to mind as I sit and type this comment.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

To certain individuals and groups ..ámorality is a survival instinct.

The degrees to which they will operate in ámorality, is probably dependent and in dependence on the quantum of their superiors' ámorality.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

I was at a wake today. Someone about my age, a woman whose pictures flashed on a screen in the funeral home showed a pretty girl in the days when I was in with pretty girls. Her family told me she was dealing with cancer all the time I knew her, when I mentioned she always seemed prayerful. Survival on the plane of bodily existence is an illusion, and seeking the answer can't take amorality as the solution, if it means an empty universe. I'm thinking sex could be amoral, or else a further step beyond immoral, where so much else is. It couldn't be an end in life. Friendship could be all there is. Or else prayer.

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Whatever gets you through the night pilgrim.

I want to at least treat the devil in kind.

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"The fish rots from the head."

Don't know where that saying originates from but I often think it when people are puzzled by what's happening.

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Love the final quote - fits for both Reiner and Ed Wackermann, whom I'm always concerned with - another scapegoat - and as the start of the quote makes clear, those “A scapegoat remains effective as long as - ELSA: AND ONLY AS LONG AS - we believe in its guilt. Having a scapegoat means not knowing that we have one. Learning that we have a scapegoat is to lose it forever . . . "

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ditto! Girard wuz really prescient--not just on scapegoatin' (some of us also feein' this keenly) but also on mimetics -- everyone takin' a side via mimicry--not usin' their own noggins! If others are sayin' "don't look here" then the followerz'll foller... not lookin' ta judge for themselfs! (Reminds me of that young prof. that just recently lost his job at a university fer teachin' critical thinkin'--the one that led a feller to "not label" JK Rowling as "transphobic"-- the lad wuz just a mimi--he even repeated the stuff he read "about" the quotes of JK without havin' EVER read a single quote himself)

So they say when yer hoverin' "over the target" that's when yer life is at risk--who kin say WHICH target was the bullseye, i.e. in WHICH interview Reiner did that caused so much fear from the cabal? Surely it's something that "got out" they wanna suppress an' they grabbed any excuse... an' hope ta also "discount" any revealed truth by tarnishing Reiner's reputation-- So I think this all means he must've gotten REALLY close to the target.. just not sure what piece got the puppetmasters worried...

I already wrote a letter ta the legal support lawyer but I'm wonderin' if even more supporters kin be gathered with some way fer 'em to see the interviews? So many folks came "late" to understanding the plandemic--maybe by havin' a new, easy to navigate, one page link to all the amazing interviews--sep. tabs for German so it's easy ta git to... or even a stack with all've 'em listed with an image, list of participants, etc? Not my wheelhouse fer tech but I think it could be fiarly simple--the link I know is real "plain" an' it's hard ta see any meanin'ful one-sentence synopsis of people and what'll be addressed. I hate sayin' this but what works is more how YT duz it so ye kin git a better look...

The link I have - https://corona-investigative-committee.com/sessions/ is "clean" 'n simple but lacks the one line & visual cues that help folks find what they'd like... might that help? Nearly all those great interviews are still treasures today! Blessin's to Reiner--he's in my thoughts 'n prayers too!

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I agree completely. I mentioned this to Reiner - more than once - before he was arrested. The site is not set up in as effective a way as possible. As you say, it could be so easy - image, names of interviewees and interviewers (I'm often searching for a specific name), plus one line description (25 words or less). I can mention to Inka - but I believe now there will be little energy for this.

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glad ya like the idear Elsa! I know they have enuf on their plates but thousands of hours of tireless work shouldn't be buried so I'll hope a young'un (that knows their way around such stuff) might have the expertise ta help (?) ;-)

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

Heartbreaking. Your words are spot on, unfortunately. A Stasi spirit has infiltrated and the scapegoating process has been initiated. I can't help but to feel that those who have fallen prey to the Stasi spirit have been manipulated into doing so, which makes it doubly horrifying as if there is a layer of Stasi upon Stasi. I will send a card, at very least.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

The dualistic quality of the scapegoat ..is that to be hated and 'scaped, it must first be set up to be loved.

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May 20·edited May 20

I knew seventeen and seven would get me the call someday.

in edit: How much did I win?

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ooo thats good

(substack has disabled my "like" ability, and I guess they thought it would shut me up)

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No problemó YAT ... It's my unlikability brings the cosmos back into balance.

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If Marion Bornhövd's assessment is correct, it would be the "Trump Principle" -- i.e., there are things I don't like about Trump, but the ostensible fact that the Mainstream has been attacking him for 8 years solid and continues to this day, indicates he's to be supported (even if flawed). Same for Putin. Anyone the Western Mainstream demonizes that much must be a threat to the Cabal (which is still in the process of capturing the Western Mainstream and largely has its hands on the gears). The German legal system would be one little tile in the globalist mosaic of what I call "the Mainstream".

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I say it's futile supporting any "actors" in the great production.

It means you are deliberating in the space, of The Suspension of Disbelief.

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May 20Liked by Celia Farber

That’s why it’s important to say NO and NOT ACQUIESCE!

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

That’s exactly why Dr Reiner Fuellmich went to court against Deutsche Bank.

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I occurs to me that people who hate the story of Jesus Christ may probably also hate the idea of scapegoating, in the sense that when they start believing a man as guilty of whatever he is accused of, then nothing will change their belief, especially if the belief is false.

Then, the Girard denialists will also self-absolve of any responsibility on any matter, and everyone related to their false belief will also be condemned in their hearts.

In particular, they will never accept the obvious truth that they have been hypnotized to undermine their own cause: opposition to a global totalitarian dictatorship under the false pretext of viral epidemics of disease.

In opinion, those "people who have been sharpening their sticks against Reiner Fuellmich" are unwittingly serving the Totalitarians.

Those geniuses should rethink their pride because it's leading to a very bad place.

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The story of Jesus Christ is interpreted in many subjective ways.

The subjects' view, usually convinced that their interpretation is the objective truth.

Jesus the scapegoat is firstly exponent driven..

And exponential subjectivity should be considered with authorship in mind.

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"What does subjective mean?" asked the Disciple.

"It means: from the actor who uses the verb against the object that receives the action of the actor" said the Teacher.

"No, that's not it. Subjective means 'false' but they don't want to say 'false' because that's a conversation ender and they want to play," said the Lady with the broom sweeping the floor.

"So, if a person says that something is subjective, then one option is to simply assume she's saying it's false and I want a logomachy with you, and then one can simply ignore the statement and move along to do something more interesting?" the Disciple asked the Lady and the Teacher.

"Yes, ignore them and go play." responded the Lady.

"No!" said the Teacher, "you have to engage in the battle of words and use all the other tricks I taught you to mop the floor with the brigand who insulted your intelligence with the subjective stratagem of debate."

"No way! The only one mopping the floor here is me!" said the Lady. "A person who purposely avoids the difference between true and false is not worth debating; we have to be practical and focus on important things, like playing outside."

"But if you're correct," said the Disciple, "then most of what I have studied over the years is useless, and I have a strong emotional implication with all the lies I've learned from my Teacher and his Authority and all the other Authorities and Teachers and their lies... oh well, I guess I prefer to play outside!"

The Teacher then warned "But it's dangerous outside!!! There are viruses everywhere! And unicorns! And spies!"

"Worry not, old man, I'll make sure he takes the turpentine before he leaves the ivory tower." said the Lady.

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OR! To say it's subjective means it's open to interpretation to the multiple, or singular subjects.

Like the oxymoron that intelligence can actually be insulted rather than ignorance sure can take offence

Not a bad story though..was it cathartic?

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber

Terrible what is being done to him. Thank you for the Give Send Go link. I contributed.

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May 19Liked by Celia Farber, Tom Kudla

Your excellent insightful comment resonates as true to me Celia. You shining light on the presence of the Stasi spirit - is huge and right on, as is your call for prayers. I see the need for prayers for Mercy all around these days, and this situation is no exception.

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Celia Farber

Riddle me, riddle you.

What is something that as soon as you know that you have it, then you no longer have it?

I will add the edit answers later.

( Several possible answers.)

Edit: My answers are:

1. Placebo

2. Scapegoats

3. Innocence

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What became of Zoom with Celia?

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We had some problems. We are bringing it back in a new format. In June I expect.

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Maybe the call will be back in June.

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that is the plan!

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Evil in this world is shocking. Just see the video by Pascal Najadi on Dr Fuellmich's channels on Telegram.

I agree with what Pascal Najadi calls for.

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