Behold the Synagogue of Satan. (I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

[Apocalypse (Revelation) 2:9])

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Associating gay people with pedophilia and trans agendas is a very old story. I have been gay my whole life and not once in my childhood was it presented as something trendy - in fact I was viciously shamed for it - and now I am disappointed to be faced with the same negative messages from truthers. I don’t know why I’m gay but I certainly wasn’t groomed to be gay by any agenda. Nor do I support the porn industry, pedophilia, trans medicine, sexualizing children, and other horrible things. There are many gay people living honorable lives who do not participate in this stuff.

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Keep speaking up about it 👏

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Can't agree here. Tough to admit, but homosexuality has definitely opened Pandora's box into the Trans world, pedophilia, porn addiction, and sexualization of children. It had to start somewhere. There's no way around it. Homosexual attraction is a temptation, and homosexual activity is a serious sin. Homosexuality has inflicted tremendous harm on the idea of friendship between men. It has also transmitted the message of promiscuity to all heterosexuals, resulting in divorce, broken homes, and lonely, damaged children. Bathhouses and thousands of partners will do that. Oh, I don't do that, you say. Fine. But survey after survey documents that 70% or more of homosexual couples have "open marriages." People do not know that.

This loneliness has been known for thousands of years. The problem, at its base, is a spiritual one:


We are all far from home. And the way back takes years.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

What might we have been, without “the music industry?” Bullseye!

If we had just stayed with the early 50's Howdy Doody shows, it might not have been so bad.

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I heard once a dread diet doctor saying that Ephedrine was the most popular drug recommended by doctors in the '50s, to keep slim and to keep working. I guess that's the Germanic obsession with being productive all the time.

I noticed how they sanitized the word "prostitution" by now using the term "sex worker". Worker sounds much better to Germanic ears.

The mindwar was always there, long before the 20th century.

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we found out what it would be like without the music industry in the zeros and teens, by then artists had figured out that it was infinitely more profitable to go it alone. there was more worthwhile music released between 2010 and the lockdown than there was from 1950 to 2010 combined

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May I inquire as to your age?

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lol elsie i get the sense i'm one of the younger people on substack

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I'm pretty sure he's a "Boomer".

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Well, all I got to say is; HE DON'T KNOW JACK SHITE

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I also disagree with his statement, but taste is individual, and he may well be into a local scene.

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I suppose so. His posting n a me begins with NY; I suppose he's from NYC, people there seem to have a superior attitude. I've been there. Met a few nice people, but I couldn't live there. Too many buildings, too many people, too much noise. Yuck, yuck

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Pop/rock/hippie culture was engineered. There was no reason for 1950s kids to rebel. They had it great. Same with 1960s kids... until they were fed drugs and "freedom" from their parents....

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Nothing will be hidden. All secrets will be revealed....but piecemeal otherwise the shock of what has been going on would put too many in complete shock

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Thank you, Celia. This wasn’t easy to research or write about. In my small circle, whenever I have to interact with slimy people - as though it’s all normal - in meetings, I feel slimy inside afterwards.

Take care of your subtle body. I’ll pay my sub regardless how often you post because you are a cutting diamond after years of pressure. Choose wherever your fine intuition takes you.

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Choke No Joke nails it when he talks about how all the trannies who get all the corporate media exposure are black

the cabal supposedly prefers adrenochrome from darker skinned kids. all this is programming

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Well, Os last chef was a young black man. A favorite, I'm sure

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too bad he was left floating, he would have made a good last meal

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Yes, it's depressing.

You're right: you don't have to cover this sordid story.

About HIV, I can imagine that in the 1980s and 1990s the monster factory was benefited by the invention of it, it's easier to control and corrupt young people using stories like the Erlkonig you have mentioned sometimes. But clearly Clive never had any fear. And other monsters knew what was going on. Only their victims were in fear. Of AIDS and a million other things. It's all so awful and disgusting.

I learned a couple of months ago the motte-and-the-bailey tactic. Some info here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy

I think this fits the HIV/AIDS and sexual exploitation of people in the music industry, because people who know nothing about the industry would never dispute the easy and obvious terror of a virus, and thus the real crime is well protected in plain sight.

The way I understand it: the moat if the panic about disease. The bailey is the obvious fact that sexual violence is unjust and immoral, and its desirable to end any industry based on that, or close to that.

I'm sure we can come up with other examples, like amphetamines and 1950s rock and roll, or early Hollywood and stories about chloroform, tuberculosis, malaria, or mercury poisoning of early stars and directors who complained.

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No one noticed⁉️

We been talking about it for years.

Wendy Williams got fired off Hot 97 mad years ago for speaking about it specifically because of Puffy.

When anyone celebrity or civilian would speak about it We were called homophobes & then transphobes.

Dave Chappell & mad others been talking about it & how they make Us wear dresses & shit.

I can’t go with no one noticed… We’ve been noticing❗️

The whole world is being infected by agendas like this & others

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In a recent photoshoot, Cardi B poses pregnant on a motorcycle with the word "Ped0phile" graphitied on the wall behind her. Right on out in the open. I don't know why people are surprised by this stuff.

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That poor unborn child.

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His or her life is going to be bad. That is one thing we can be sure of. I would not be surprised if the baby will be sacrificed in some way - whether trafficked, etc. These people literally sell their soul to be famous. There are dues to pay.

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It's such a shame. I have thought I was a bad mother, and really I wasn't that great. But Cardi B, jeeze she's a succubus!

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Yes, people who sell their soul out of greed usually don't make the best parents.

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There was a comment in your previous Diddy stack (now gone) that matched up Hunter and Puffs crimes. It was an excellent comparison.

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May there House Of Cards Of Depravity be DISMANTLED.

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“we admire only the famous”?! Bingo! Celebrity Idolizing Indoctrination eXXXposed! “Hollywood”, as per this So Cali native, is perhaps the most fkd up, deranged, psychopath, narcissistic elephant in the globalist’s room! (shhhhh, los CIA might be monitoring your comments for elephant racist comments!) “Nice day orfice-er, isn’t it? Uh, would you mind if I take a pic of your badge? Nothing personal. I might even recommend you for a raise! (sucker)”

Taking time off to digest, regroup, and maybe even give your self/selves many many self affirming hugs… indulge!! I find your emo/psycho stamina inspiring! Duende!!

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So and So's an actor

A liar acting natural

Your sister falls in love with actors

And hates you being factual:

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S.I.N. is the reason. It’s always been the reason.

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Yeoman's work. The Whitney Houston (and family) saga was all new to me, I didn't follow it at the time. Clive Davis seemed as sincere and full of regrets as Larry Silverstein did after "his" buildings were destroyed on Sept. 11. "Why won't anybody talk about Clive Davis?" That's a very interesting question ........

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Because Clive had the cunning nous to come out as gay.

Something the media presents not as a perversion, but as some kind of brave virtue.

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2pac warned us about Piddy

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Yes he did. For that I respect him. Don't care for rap, hip-hop, it's just not my thing.

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